A plug for your personal website

Prospecting Australia

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Nov 27, 2012
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For anyone who has linked to Prospecting Australia from their personal website, I would like to provide an opportunity to plug your website in return.

Post a link to your personal website below with a brief explanation of what it's all about. I'll add each website to this post in the order that they're posted and will also select a number of these website to promote on the PA Facebook page over the coming weeks.

Please play fair, only those who have linked to Prospecting Australia are eligible for a plug.

P.S. I reserve the right to remove any website that is deemed to be inappropriate or competitive in nature.

Sites worth checking out
http://farrider245.com - A blog about motorcycles and rides with a little about prospecting and fossicking thrown in.
http://victoriangoldfields.weebly.com/ - An interesting site about gold prospecting on Victorian goldfields.
http://www.fletcheronline.com.au - A collection of minerals, fossils and collectables.
http://rowanwills.wix.com/ausfx - An online portfolio featuring props, replicas and SFX work.

I had a crack at setting one up for free through 'weebly'. Its just a small site with some items of interest and some links and it was a direct result of being mentored by one of my grand daughters for a school project. I am not a dealer or trader and I am not involved in any gold related businesses. have a look if you like.

My online portfolio with most of my props, replicas and SFX work, needs some updating. A few trailers and videos of stuff I've worked on as well.
I'll be upgrading it soon and getting a proper web address.

And my business FB page:
Random updates on stuff I'm making for shows or just personal projects. I actually get a fair few commissions through the FB page.
AusFX said:
My online portfolio with most of my props, replicas and SFX work, needs some updating. A few trailers and videos of stuff I've worked on as well.
I'll be upgrading it soon and getting a proper web address.

And my business FB page:
Random updates on stuff I'm making for shows or just personal projects. I actually get a fair few commissions through the FB page.

Hey AusFX, I can't seem to find a link to Prospecting Australia on your site :eek:

Nugget said:
Please play fair, only those who have linked to Prospecting Australia are eligible for a plug.
Cheeky bugger!! I am not that old BUT, when decimal currency changed on the 14/2/1966 I was robbed. How? On the 13/2/1966 a sixpence bought you 6 cobbers - that's a penny each. (Can you still buy cobbers?? - caramel covered in chocolate squares) On the 14/2/1966, the same sixpence, and the old coins were in circulation for years, only bought 5 cobbers. Why? Sixpence became a pseudo 5 cent piece. I have hated the Liberal Party ever since. When asked why I am rusted on labor - the response? Because I got ripped off with my cobbers purchases at the Hoddle St Collingwood Milk Bar as a kid!!
That's rough loamer, its no wonder you hate the liberals :lol:
I got ripped off as well.
Had a jar full of my hard won earnings, Penny's Hapennys, Sixpences, Threepence, Florins you name it.
Dad told me one day he had to go change it at the bank for the new stuff.
When he came back with the same jar there was hardly any thing in it. I was rope able. :mad:
When I went to the store for my usual bag of lollies for bartering etc I worked out it was a bit smaller than normal.
Not happy at all. 8.(
Yes, You can still buy cobbers Loamer, Tiny little things for 5 cents each.
Bloody economics
Whoops! I'll fix that today.


Remove the FB page link maybe?

Nugget said:
AusFX said:
My online portfolio with most of my props, replicas and SFX work, needs some updating. A few trailers and videos of stuff I've worked on as well.
I'll be upgrading it soon and getting a proper web address.

And my business FB page:
Random updates on stuff I'm making for shows or just personal projects. I actually get a fair few commissions through the FB page.

Hey AusFX, I can't seem to find a link to Prospecting Australia on your site :eek:

Nugget said:
Please play fair, only those who have linked to Prospecting Australia are eligible for a plug.
Some really great sites guys, I'll start promoting a few on our social media pages over the weekend. If anyone else would like a plug for their website, please read my first post above for details.
Don't forget to read over the rules in my first post, a link back to the forum is required ;)
Hi Nugget,
Could you please check out our new website. You can find the link on our Facebook site by typing in "The 2014 Unlock The Bush Muster" This Facebook site has a link to our website.
Our site has been setup for everyone who enjoys the bush. Lot's of people have provided input ranging from the NSW DPI, NSW Police, Roothy's Unlock Australia group, Brian Walters - prospecting & camping group and dozens of other outdoor people who are sick of getting locked out of our country - be it National Parks or State Forest.
There will be something there for everyone.
Gary Frame
0418 240 806
02 6885 5487

PS: I can put a link to your Forum site if you wish. Please send me an Email of what you want on our site. Thanks.

[email protected]

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