A day at the harbor

Prospecting Australia

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Dec 13, 2012
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After going out yesterday and breaking the scoop handle my spirits were low. After a quick fix last night I was ready to head out again today with the Excalibur 1000 and decided to hit victor harbor (undisclosed location ;) ) and had a great session to date at the beach. Ended up with only 1 modern coin but wasn't too worried as I ended up with 12 pre decimals, 3 bullets, 2 earrings, a ring (could be gold as marked 525) a gold bracelet, old dog tag, whistle, lead battleship, horse charm (unkown metal) antique esp serving spoon. The pre decimals include 2 florins, 2 sixpence, 1 shilling, 3 large penny's, 2 half penny's (oldest 1917) and a few brown buggers. Here are the before and after shots with some still needing a bit more cleaning as the bracelet keeps turning gold the more I clean it. Of course there was plenty of junk which I show to prove i didn't just pull the items out from the shed











Wow, nice going, I must get into the water more. I did one of the beaches in Victor and got diddly squat, just a few coins and a hyperdermic needle for my efforts. Was that in the water, or on the beach?
Cool finds :cool:

Nice mixed bag of old stuff to stumbled across, must have been an exciting hunt wondering what was going to come up next, have you researched the spoon markings yet?
Thanks wally. It was a great day and after hitting a few coins it got me in the zone. Hard to read the spoon but looks old and there are spoons online but nothing like this one
Yep, that spoon looks really old to me, those marks should be able to give you a full history including its maker.

Hopefully a forum reader has an interest in hallmarks and can reveal its secrets.
Nice finds! The gold and silver should scrap out to $200-$300 - on your way to paying for that bad boy - great job! :cool:
Well done. That's a top haul. I'm headin down south tomorrow myself with kiddies to the beach for some cockling so ill have a scan myself with the ol garret
if it is not plate it should be mark somewhere, usually near join. Or if that fail do acid test.
Just about everything you have found looks old, which is a great sign that no one has been around the place, plenty to keep you busy researching. :) Finding a pre-dec coin on or near Adelaide beaches is near on impossible at the moment. :/
Well I have some good news for you then gold pick as I picked up another 2 pre decimal silvers and the old man came out and found 1. Here is the bounty of today's haul. Three rings ( the only one of value is the Harley Davidson ring which could be silver) padlock bracelet (yet again could be silver) turtle charm, a 1940 florin and 1941 three pence, few brown buggers and a $2 coin and some odds and ends. Another good day out and hope that all the jewellery can been cleaned this week and tested.









The clump with the coin sticking out was a 5c coin and a stack of keys
The Excaliber certainly outperformed the Garrett today - but I did manage to get my first pre-decimal from the beach of all places - a 1925


And here is the trio from today ...


Thanks for the great day son... Now I can nurse the sunburn I got! ;)
Gonna get me one of those u/w detectors one day. When I leave the NT probably. Too many crocs up here to go diving and most places can be accessed at low tide with a conventional detector. I actually had a little look at a beach they call little mindil yesterday. All I found was trash. One spot I dug up 9 old steel cans in one small area before giving up.
Nice little haul there.