12 year old Jack Russell vs brown snake!

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Chris Johnson
Nov 7, 2013
Reaction score
Mount Gambier
This morning I was inside having breakfast and watching the tube, when I heard some excited barking from my female Jack Russell and younger male Cairn Terrier. I didn't think much of it till I walked outside, and nearly trod on a dead 2 foot brown snake! Thank god for my dogs, as I have walked around to my shed countless times in thongs or barefoot, they may have saved me from some serious harm. Gotta love Jack Russells! :)


Great dogs Goldpick and she is looking very pleased with herself as she should.

Only small but they have the heart of a lion.

She can still get up and boogie despite being 12 obviously.....great work girl.

A good snake is a dead snake.

That's pretty bloody awesome Goldpick, gotta love the Jackie's, my little Molly is about to turn 6 months old and I'm dreading her first encounter with a snake.
She has to be a part of everything I do and a couple of weeks ago on our first sluice trip she was in the creek, covered in mud and trying to help dig between the crevices. Luckily no snakes that trip but hopefully she is smart enough to be weary of one when she finds it.

What a cutie Pete, unfortunately it's in their instincts to hunt, so just have listen for excited barking - usually means they are up to mischief. ;)
Just terrific little dogs, the jack russels and foxies. But what a worry that it was a brown. Hope there aren't any more and you wont have to worry getting to the shed. We posted on 18/10 re our 6 year old alerting us 3 times in a row a few weeks ago. My grandfather used to have them in Brisbane many years ago and he called them ratters. He said people were paid to take their dogs to shops/residences for the purpose. Our old Jacko who we lost last December at 16 and Jill 2 years earlier at same age were really good at it, being on a rural place with feed etc around.
As happens I love reptiles, but a brown snake
in the back yard is not a nice experience.
It just so happened today at about 2.00pm
that my English bull terrier ( one of the blonds of
the dog world ) bailed up a beautiful blue tongue
lizard here in the city of Ballarat, the thought crossed
my mind that it might of been a snake.
Keep your eyes open and stay safe.
Cheers Steve :eek:
HI GP. I'm glad the dog is ok. even around Adelaide you are going to have snakes. Mawson Lakes with the wet lands and etc. My son had one in his yard last year. he worries about his Labrador , she would probably play with it. Even tho there are no hiding places or long grass in his yard, it went into the garage. it came from the long grass over the fence. - COUNCIL property. they didn't want to know about it. keep your eyes open
I heard jack Russell's were breed for catching things like rats and mice cos of their speed and agility being small. One brave dog mate
The dogs strike faster then the snake ,then shake that hard they snap the snakes back :eek:
Just be careful though after there first snake ,they think they are invincible ,
My sister had a staff that had 100% strike rate ,this dog was good ,but eventually the brown snake got first bite ,and it was all over ,
Varts said:
The dogs strike faster then the snake ,then shake that hard they snap the snakes back :eek:
Just be careful though after there first snake ,they think they are invincible ,
My sister had a staff that had 100% strike rate ,this dog was good ,but eventually the brown snake got first bite ,and it was all over ,

Great advice Varts!
Foxy/Jack Russell and she was a great dog, little but great!!

Bully's have a big heart too!
Found this on my lurkings on the net (might even of been on this forum), Hope it helps someone. Dont know if it works as i dont have snakes around but if someone gives it a go and it seems to work let us all know.

My brother-in-law's Jack Russell always follows me down to where I prospect on their property. While I'm working, he'll spend all day chasing lizards and going into wombat holes. Haven't seen him tackle a snake yet, but I have rescued several blue tongues that he's gone after. Unfortunately he does not have a nose to find gold.

Your little Jack russell got lucky :) My little guy (Milo) is also black and white but a bit younger. He can tell the difference between species and is very selective in what he hunts. He chases blue tongue lizards but does not attack them. Considers flushing them out a win. Treats it as a game. Same deal with rabbits. Catches one and drops it unharmed. Nuzzles it to try get the fear stricken bunny to run again . Loves magpies but hates crows with a passion. Snakes on the other hand he knows are a serious threat and will keep a healthy distance and bark and snarl like crazy. Glad he doesn't attack them or he probably wouldn't be alive anymore. Snake central here.

P.S. Electronic snake repellents don't work. I'm taking about he kind you push into the soil and are solar charged . They emit various sounds which don't actually repel snakes. Just thought I might mention our experiences with them to save you folks a bunch of cash if considering these units.