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Prospecting Australia

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Now I need to buy a car to get out to places! Either walked, push biked or public transported where ever Ive needed to be my whole life...... This is going to be an expensive hobby!
I thought I wasnt doing too well as I didnt find more! Judging on the photos some people post I have along way to go learning where to dig!
KiwiKaren said:
I thought I wasnt doing too well as I didnt find more! Judging on the photos some people post I have along way to go learning where to dig!

You've been to probably 2 of the most flogged areas close to Melbourne, that being said every drop of rain that falls (that should say torrential downpour) does wash and regurgitates more gold into those streams.

You've done well as just digging and panning is probably one of the slower ways of building to that first gram then ounce.

Cheers T.
KiwiKaren said:
Now I need to buy a car to get out to places! Either walked, push biked or public transported where ever Ive needed to be my whole life...... This is going to be an expensive hobby!

good onya :)

it may be that not having a car could be an advantage as most people pan near the places they can drive to ,then they worry about going too far away from the car in case someone breaks into it .

If you can get in to places that dont fit the same category you might get better wins , if that means walking 2 km up or down river then maybe nobody else has been there for 20 years and you may have a better day.

downside of course is that safety for women travellers in Australia these days is not what we would like it to be so pack a spare ninja up your sleeve or its nearest convenient equivalent . :) :)

best wishes
KiwiKaren said:
HeadsUp said:
so pack a spare ninja up your sleeve or its nearest convenient equivalent . :) :)

Love it! I would be armed with a shovel and with my new almost no hair post chemo do I look pretty scary ;)

sorry to hear you had the "C"

glad you have smacked its asss and kicked it out of your body for good ?

If we had a Forum group hug button you would get about 4000 of them going your way

best wishes :D
KiwiKaren said:
This web forum (you guys) are great :cool:
- I can count on you to get excited with me when my friends look at these tiny little dots and look unimpressed
Hahaha true my family and friends laugh at me too... ;)
The mrs thinks im going gold crazy....probably am but im having fun. Keep tryin karen it all start becoming clearer when you get your eye in. :D
Yup. Caught it early and got it all out with surgery... Just will take a while to bounce back from all the treatment. Watching YouTube clips on prospecting and reading all these posts has been a very fun distraction! Now that my nails are growing back and I am getting energy back I can get out and do things so stay tuned for more pics of my finds! Spent today researching and learning and capped it all off watching Prospectors and then Yukon Gold on TV :cool: :cool:
KiwiKaren said:
Yup. Caught it early and got it all out with surgery... Just will take a while to bounce back from all the treatment. Watching YouTube clips on prospecting and reading all these posts has been a very fun distraction! Now that my nails are growing back and I am getting energy back I can get out and do things so stay tuned for more pics of my finds! Spent today researching and learning and capped it all off watching Prospectors and then Yukon Gold on TV :cool: :cool:

sounds like a good plan

focus the mind on positive endeavors , get active to reclaim a healthy body and the resultant endorphins are all a big plus

you will quickly learn from this page and from members you meet in the field

you will be panning 10 - 20 bits per pan in no time

:D :D :D
Eldorado gold Fossicking Trip - 2014

I have got 2.8 grams in this pan

No,...Paydirt, that looks like Luckys first panfull(probably went home after one panfull to take the photo),...and he's scored a nice new 20 cent piece in there as well,.. so it was probably at the end of a drain in town somewhere,...you know,...streets paved with gold and all,...yarda yarda yarda.(ha)
Probably go back with a wheelbarrow and shovel to shift the golden dust off of the big nuggets,...just to get at them.