Yep, Another Miller Table Project

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Feb 17, 2014
Reaction score
Hi All,
I could not resist with these DIY projects going on. PMSL.
After building my WalBanker and having all this black sand loaded with the good stuff, I decided that I had better do something about it.
Panning and separating the good from the bad, well, That's got hairs on it me thinks. So,
Here comes the Miller Table.
After scouting and scrounging through the collectable handy bits and pieces that I seem to have an excess off, I found that I had a rather large sheet of 6 mm perspex floating around. 8)
quick think about it and after watching some video's I decided that this must be the required course of action. LOL
After hacking and slicing with an angle grinder, Hunting and gathering the required aluminum,
I have started.
The base frame work,

Then I got excited to see the working area,

Then I become over come with a real sense of achievement by seeing the mirror surface,

The project is in the build stage at the moment so I will keep you all updated with what I have come up with. :D
And, Yes, That is The Forum in the back ground and the video belongs to the wife and kids. LOL
Hi There Slowflow, :)
I will put some more pictures up tomorrow.
I have nearly finnished it now and am waiting for a better pump to arrive.
I already have given it a trial run and so far it works really well. Just have to work out
flow rates.
I think that building the equipment can be just much as finding the gold.

I concur
I love making and changing gear after a trip to improve the way it works
I should have the 4000 lph pump here this Wednesday so I might be able to complete it to process my fines after this weekend. :)
I have built the speed controller for the pump as I have added a touch of finesse by controlling the pump flow without using a tap.
All designed to run on my small 12v to 240v inverter that I carry all the time. (Safety guards are in place)
An Update,
I still have a little bit of fine tuning to do but for an all up cost of around $70.00, Not bad and it works very well.
Will be even better once I have completed it.
I have a speed controller that I built for fine adjustment of water volume but I did not have running with these shots.
You will see that the rear of the table is spring loaded. When you fill the delivery area with water, The back of the table drops.
Sort of a self leveling set up.
Any way, I will post the final setup washing out cons to demonstrate it all.
Goes to show what you can do with a bit of thought. LOL

Side shot,

Working Area,

Tap Work,
Very nice. Very nice indeed. Just another fine example of PA members ingenuity and expertize. The yellow never had such an army of well equipped prospectors chasing it down. Beautiful mate, you should be well proud.
Thanks Goldtarget,
There are a few idea's in it that I have not seen before.
Inspiration came from this forum's post's and yes, A PA project for all to share. :) :)

Goldtarget said:
Very nice. Very nice indeed. Just another fine example of PA members ingenuity and expertize. The yellow never had such an army of well equipped prospectors chasing it down. Beautiful mate, you should be well proud.
Nice job

What is the green on top? Just normal paint??

Hope it works a treat.
I'm in the process of making some think similar.

Found any gold with it yet??
Darryn said:
Nice job

What is the green on top? Just normal paint??

Hope it works a treat.
I'm in the process of making some think similar.

Found any gold with it yet??

The green paint I presume to be chalkboard paint. it has a slightly gritty surface to it.

I've got one like this set up. catch it II system it is here in the USA. I wasn't impressed with the system. Flow rates are too fast for the fine flour gold I have here in my area.
I have let the chalkboard paint weather a bit and I am about to run it.
I think I have made the flare on the out put side just a bit to big. LOL
It is no big deal to cut it down a bit but apart from that it works a treat.
The final thing will to be setting up the gate so it can be adjusted easly.
Nearly there. :D
Hi Tathradj,
Could you pm me some info on your speed controller as i think that would come in very handy in this type of equipment.
