Whites TDI Pro Oz Series "STRIKES GOLD" for Liz

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Wal nLiz
Jan 20, 2013
Reaction score
Australia, NSW
G'day guys,

Finally had a chance to fire up my detector using a Sadie coil and manage to pull out these 5 little beauties yesterday morning and another one today. The Gold Gods are smiling down on us at the moment and hopefully our luck continues.

Great work there Liz. Very nice gold with the Whites. Those sadie coils must be deadly on all machines - I need to get one!
Good luck to you & Wal for the rest of the trip & hopefully many more nuggets to come yet.
Good to hear from you guys, they don't look little at all :) well if Liz is picking up nuggets you must be collecting gold brick lol, stay safe and looking forward to some stories.
Top one I would cal "Lil Turd"
Next from left looks like a puppy about to pounce, next one, "The boomerang" and the last middle line, "Cranky Cat"
Bottom one "The Cockroach"
Well done.
Congrats, you don't hear of many finds with the tdi. It seems to work well and the price isn't too bad.
Beautiful nuggets Liz!

Great to see the TDI on the mark.

Hope all is going great! Keep up the good work :)
All the best and take care over there.

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