Weekend Prospector - Yarra River, Warburton. Legal?

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Aug 1, 2020
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Weekend Prospector last episode Yarra River Warburton, along way upstream from Plenty river junction.
If only we could
Have asked Parks Victoria to clarify where in the Yarra you can/can't prospect. No sense running around in circles with potentially incorrect information/interpretation ...... ask those that should know.

Will let you know how they respond

Extract of letter ------

"This has obviously confused me greatly, your website indicates its on the list of exempted Rivers/Streams above its junction with the Plenty River .. seems pretty clear - No Prospecting.

Another section indicates its legal to prospect within Warrandyte State Park and this is where some confusion arises.

Is it legal to prospect in the Yarra River where it flows through the Warrandyte State Park???

Hate to think people see this show and assume its OK to prospect in the Yarra, yes I know they should be aware of the relevant rules, I thought I was, now Im a little confused.

Perhaps you can shed some light on what is allowed and where."

Cheers T.

Oh ..... meant to add that in a FB post querying the Yarra legality he indicated "filmed in Yarra and it's tributaries" and "always do things legally"....... maybe he wasn't in the Yarra at all??
Never seen the show, but they obviously have a following. I would imagine where they were prospecting would be fairly recognisable by anyone knowing the area, if they have broken the law they need to be 'hung out to dry' and it made very public.

We have enough problems keeping fossicking areas open without idiots + TV cameras flouting the law. If guilty of the alleged offence, the fine for a 'commercial' venture needs to be huge to make the message loud and clear that they were breaking the law and nobody is exempt. :mad: :mad:
Teemore said:
Have asked Parks Victoria to clarify where in the Yarra you can/can't prospect. No sense running around in circles with potentially incorrect information/interpretation ...... ask those that should know.

Will let you know how they respond

Extract of letter ------

"This has obviously confused me greatly, your website indicates its on the list of exempted Rivers/Streams above its junction with the Plenty River .. seems pretty clear - No Prospecting.

Another section indicates its legal to prospect within Warrandyte State Park and this is where some confusion arises.

Is it legal to prospect in the Yarra River where it flows through the Warrandyte State Park???

Hate to think people see this show and assume its OK to prospect in the Yarra, yes I know they should be aware of the relevant rules, I thought I was, now Im a little confused.

Perhaps you can shed some light on what is allowed and where."

Cheers T.

Oh ..... meant to add that in a FB post querying the Yarra legality he indicated "filmed in Yarra and it's tributaries" and "always do things legally"....... maybe he wasn't in the Yarra at all??

A small section of Anderson's creek is set aside for recreational panning. I recall reading the Park management plan and it says that, i have not been there in years but they reduced the length of creek open to prospecting, it is clearly marked.
At the end of the day they talked up Warby as a place to find easy gold, poor program research.
And yes the footage does look familiar, I have spent many years fishing, craying and hunting in the valley.
robmoto said:
Why don,t you lot have a winge lol, have you never made a mistale lol

Think you mean "don't" and "mistake", guess some make more than others.

Usually don't respond to cheap meaningless posts, just couldn't help myself ...... BIG difference between making a mistake and deliberately breaking the law, not to say that they did, but obviously it's something you have no problem with. Perhaps you can enlighten us on the laws applying to the Yarra.

Someone recently said they gave up commenting on issues because of responses along the lines of yours.
Maybe I'm a bit older, grumpier and less tolerant of idiots (not suggesting that you are) these days.

Cheers T.

Oh, sorry to have ago at your typing, that was a cheap shot, my apologise.
Blockie235 said:
Not having a whinge at all, actually looking forward to maybe someone challenging this absurd regulation. :)

absurd you say! Hmmmm! and you have 12 posts - but enough for you to have learned that gold prospecting is all about "research" so I suggest that you seek out and read the original legislation Gazetted in 1881 and then we can discuss how it evolved to be relevant in the present day.

A few years back when I finally found I had time take up this great hobby that was one of my first surprises as I couldnt understand how some gov dept could hijack a list of rivers and streams that one was not permitted to own or build a home on and turn it into a list one cannot recreationaly prospect in or on, yes I have done and continue to research excessively. :Y:
Let the discussion begin
Blockie235 said:
And yes the footage does look familiar, I have spent many years fishing, craying and hunting in the valley.

Great that youre familiar with the area, aside from the argument as to what rivers we can/cant prospect in (a seperate issue altogether), perhaps you can enlighten us as the the regulations that allows us to prospect in the Yarra, as that is what the program claimed, or better still, where this footage was actually taken as Im sure such a learned geologist would not willingly break the law (but possibly mislead the public).
Finally we get a reputable geologist on a prospecting tv show and someone has to go shoot him down . Dont bother watching if you already know everything. :N:
Thats funny , didnt you recently give very descriptive directions to Hoddles creek . On the , Gold in the Yarra valley , thread ? Clearly a tributary of the Yarra and on the banned list .
Certainly did as to how to access the creek, what the individual decides to do once there is entirely up to them. Personally I love crayfish caught from this creek.
The real test for the Weekend Prospector is the episode filmed in Dargo, which will screen in Two saturdays from now.
Going by the shorts he is illegally prospecting in the Dargo River which is another stream on the list.
Perhaps all we need here are some facts and a lot less speculation. Surely our governing body would be onto this and clear it up for all. We certainly don't need to be hanging anyone, not yet anyway.