WA prospector death and missing wife. The Raymond & Jennie Kehlet mystery.

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Metamorphic said:
I have a bad feeling about this guys.

An experienced bushman (as the family say) knows how to alert such a large search party in the air and on the land, to their location without a PLB.

2 weeks with no sign is worrying, and a death sentence with no water.

I really hope Im wrong, and are certainly still hoping!


The Land of no second chance (Slim Dusty).

I had the same feeling when I first heard it as well. Hopefully we are wrong.
I wonder if they were Prospecting Aus members.. Some are over there on their big trips... this is not looking good at all... :(
Mrs Meta said she heard on the radio today that their dog was found in town about a week after they were reported missing.

ABC News said:
They said the dog walked about 25 kilometres into the town caravan park from the campsite, one week after the couple was last seen.

The dog had a microchip registered with the Town of Beverly and authorities were able to contact relatives and find out where the owners were.

"They're not experienced prospectors - our understanding is it's their second time of prospecting," he said.

"However, they are reasonably comfortable camping in the bush. They certainly had plenty of food and plenty of water at their campsite."

Ya just dont leave your dog unless something went terribly wrong do you?

Still hoping, never say never!

Foul Play at work here no doubt, as you said "ya don't just leave ya dog behind.
Its a big place out there and there are heaps of places to hide the evidence.
Very sad if this is the case. Did they find the body of that guy who was murdered up the palmer a while back, didn't here anymore about that?
Thats quite goosebump scary. Id say foul play big time. I think the police shoukd start investigating who lives around the area as some people may be getting murdered for their gold or other sick reasons. Very sad to have read this. dont know how else two people go missing. Maybe they found a 4 kilo nugget. its not looking good as its been some time now
They were very exp campers in the bush and went often , new to prospecting but not the bush ,,, whats strange is the k9 unit lost the scent near a track and it is looking more suspect ,,, even the army is looking ,, , the search area is now 650 kays square ,, police tried triangulation of thier phones and that turned up zilch , the area has 4g telstra coverage ,
It has always been a little concern of mine while out and about in those areas, that due to our gun controls most of us city dwellers don't carry firearms, however nearly all of the country people would have access in some way or another due to their requirements. If this is the case you are always going to be in a losing situation. I don't think this is the case but it is always a little bit of a worry. As not everyone is of good nature unfortunately.

We are heading off in June around Cue, Mt Magnet and maybe even Sandstone so I really hope they find all of them and it was nothing more than being a little lost ! However as time goes by this becomes less a chance of finding them well. The good thing is we have had a bit of rain so hopefully there is enough to keep them going until found.

Just to add what everyone has said, make sure you carry some type of way to contact people, be it Sat Phone, PLB, etc...
Chewy said:
Just a question on plb's, if they had fallen down a shaft would the plb signal still be able 5o be detected?

Probably not as it needs a satellite to pick up the signal from the PLB however given a situation you would certainly give it a try in many ways to get the thing out of the hole.
Take care on your trip Westy.

I know you have good bush sense, experience in the West, and will carry personal protection and navigation.

Hope you bag up on the gold mate......If anyone approaches you out of the blue, have a plan B.

I can understand one person getting in trouble but it is weird that two people get into trouble, I would have thought One would have been able to raise the Alarm, I hope they are safe and resting up somewhere,,

Thoughts and Prayers going out for them,, John
A typical scenario is the girl gets lost and the guy goes out to find her and gets lost in the process. Seen it happen before but the result was a positive one. With both being inexperienced pannick can easily set in and disorientation in that region is very common even with seasoned prospectors.

Generally you wouldn't go out and search till late in the day, giving you limited daylight and darkness falls quick when you think the person is just over the next rise. Once dark with no experience the situation usually deteriorates. If they didn't have a GPS, relocating the camp is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Hope I'm wrong and they get found alive, but it doesn't look the best. :(
not good to hear about the other prospector missing too, really hope that all of them are found ok, but as we all know it doesn't take much for a small error in a remote location to turn bad fast, it is sort of making me think twice about going out on my own even tho i do as much pre planning as i do and leave a detailed description of the location i will be in.

Walnliz, i have heard of similar situations were one person gets into trouble and the other falls victim trying to do what they think needs to be done, and unfortunately i think we will always hear these stories as long as people are going out to remote unforgiving locations
From this day-old news report: http://www.watoday.com.au/wa-news/m...earch-enters-seventh-day-20150407-1mftte.html

"Channel 9 reporter Rebecca Johns told Radio 6PR on Tuesday morning police had uncovered more evidence that suggested the couple had travelled further than originally thought. "So the area they have been searching at the moment might not be the right area," she said.
"They (police) began searching after finding the couples' dog walking around the town alone. That led police to the pair's abandoned camp site, where they found their cars, a quad bike 500m away and enough camping gear to survive at least two weeks in the bush. Apart from that there has been absolutely no sight of them," Ms Johns said.
Police hadn't ruled out foul play and homicide detectives were on standby in Perth.
"The family have also been told to thoroughly look through all their belongings, which have been taken back to Perth, just to see if there is anything suspicious in there," Ms Johns said.
Police had initially thought the pair may have fallen down one of several disused mine shafts near their campsite.
"There was a putrid smell coming from one of the shafts and they were worried it was a decomposing body," she said. "They got special cliff experts down there but it was actually a kangaroo. That was another false lead. But there is no trace at all there are no footprints, no water bottles... there is nothing."

Can we infer from the parts I have bolded that Police think the couple may have left camp with somebody else?