WA prospector death and missing wife. The Raymond & Jennie Kehlet mystery.

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I believe a lot of us had exactly the same feeling and it was only a matter of time and evidence to be found, which it appears has been. Hopefully the poor kids can get some closure and move on one way or another.

Detective Westaus reckons it was all about a big nugget found and it went wrong from there.
I always thought she might have got lost and when searching and checking shafts he slipped down the shaft. The cops haven't revealed anything untoward about the guys death but maybe their holding out. It's pretty sad if your mate does both of you in on a holiday if that's the case.
Wonder if the old man in ?? Is guilty why he killed them?? Did they find something big n he killed n robbed them?? But i really cant see them finding her which is a shame for the families
Jaros said:
What bothers me is that the mother is still missing??

Agree but she could have got lost and perished still yet to be found. Weird things happen to draw conclusions but I have to admit something appears not quite right about all this. Whether crocodile man is involved or not hopefully the case will be resolved.
Westaus said:
I believe a lot of us had exactly the same feeling and it was only a matter of time and evidence to be found, which it appears has been. Hopefully the poor kids can get some closure and move on one way or another.

Detective Westaus reckons it was all about a big nugget found and it went wrong from there.
I was thinking along the lines of an infatuation with the wife ... which just leaves the possible horrible ending up to the imagination :(
GaryO said:
Westaus said:
I believe a lot of us had exactly the same feeling and it was only a matter of time and evidence to be found, which it appears has been. Hopefully the poor kids can get some closure and move on one way or another.

Detective Westaus reckons it was all about a big nugget found and it went wrong from there.
I was thinking along the lines of an infatuation with the wife ... which just leaves the possible horrible ending up to the imagination :(

Whence the so called 18 hour "out detecting time"!
numpty said:
laws of today are too soft, get some answers from him the 'old school way', would take 30 seconds, people like this ba#@$%d should have no rights!

Hope your happy to have that type of "justice" applied to yourself if your ever accused of anything.
We have courts for a reason.
the cats out of the bag mate!, they wouldn't put out info if they didn't know who did this. its been months since they started this investigation and im sure they know who's guilty.

you don't have to bag me for my opinion, how would you feel if they were your loved ones?.
as for that type of justice for myself....... after months of investigation if they came back to me... it must of been me then! so...... yeah!

no need to reply.
It said in the sunday night program that at least 6 ppl have mysteriously dissapeared in that area in the last few years so they are not the only ones either !
As all the vehicles are accounted for surely there is a limit to how far even a very fit woman can walk out there. I assume the police would have engaged specialist dogs into the area that would find her body if that's her fate. The fact they haven't found her makes me think she isn't there. One way or another it would appear she is not in the area.
The other thing... if she was with her hubby when he went down the hole and somehow suffered a similar fate... as I said they would have found her by now... they would defo have found her in close proximity to the husband. If she wasn't with him she would have alerted the authorities and their mate when the hubby failed to show up back at the camp, everyone would do that, to not do it would be unlikely in the extreme. This stinks of foul play and would have been obvious within a couple of days.

edit: Would they have mobile phone coverage there, or would it have been difficult to contact the authorities? She would have searched for him with a vehicle though.
ColinD said:
Would they have mobile phone coverage there, or would it have been difficult to contact the authorities?

I understand that there is a Telstra tower on a prominent nearby hill. When the search for the missing couple was first underway, there were forum comments from prospectors with knowledge of the area who couldn't believe anybody could get lost in the vicinity of such a widely visible landmark.
Knowing what happened and being able to prove it in court are two different things. It must be very frustrating for the police knowing they only get one crack at a conviction and if they get it wrong the perp will get off as has happened many times in the past. Hopefully they will find some evidence that is incontestable and the culprit will get what is coming to them.
People talking in public amongst themselves and creating public pressure is often times the only way things get done properly.

The attitude of us all shutting up and leaving it to the police to do their job... well no offence to them, but we've tried that in the past and look at the massive catalogue of abuse of power, fit-ups and cover-ups have been unearthed. Power to the people I say.