vehicle security when camping

Prospecting Australia

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Apr 16, 2013
Reaction score
Sydney, NSW
i parked my car near a walking track in the bush once and came back to find the window smashed and items stolen , its pretty common and i am wondering what methods people use to improve their vehicle security ?

Ideally you would have someone drop you off and park the vehicle at a better location but for loners like me thats not feasable.

An alarm does nothing if you're 5 km away in the bush and might only cause the thief to rush their job without discouraging them.

I was thinking of putting a small sign in the window of the car saying something like " Smile for the CCTV game camera - its in the tree " , hoping thats enough to discourage people

or actually make up a small hidden CCTV camera and remote mount it either in the car or to the top of a UHF antenna with a simple DVR recorder in the car , but that might make the thief set fire to the car to destroy the recording.

any other ideas ?

I have the same concern and am always floating back and forth to check on my car. I've thought about setting up a camera in the distance but don't know what difference it would really make. I'm looking forward to hearing what others do, if anything.
" Due to recent thefts from vehicles we have now installed Day/Night Infrared cameras in the tree

Smile for the camera and leave your name for police so we dont have to put your photo on Crimestoppers where your mum can see it "

a sign like that on the car dashboard might help

any printers among us ?
Haha Dogmatic, too true, its pretty sad that this should even be a topic raised.

However it is a reality, that we all have to deal with, dont leave anything of value visable obviously...

Looking forward to suggestions too! :)
Really you should have no need to stray away from you car and out of sight.
I bush camp with the missus for 4 days at a time and there is no way with the 2 of us detecting that we can
properly detect the area around us in 4 days.
Just pick a detectable area where you park.
I had some roof rack brackets knocked off outside the Dunolly Pub last Sat, so nothing is sacred. :(
Redfin said:
Really you should have no need to stray away from you car and out of sight.
I bush camp with the missus for 4 days at a time and there is no way with the 2 of us detecting that we can
properly detect the area around us in 4 days.
Just pick a detectable area where you park.
I had some roof rack brackets knocked off outside the Dunolly Pub last Sat, so nothing is sacred. :(

I park up and then walk between 2 - 11 kilometres to camping spots.

there are no roads to get any closer

If you want REALLY serene spots in nature with awesome wildlife , you probably wont find them at a public camping spot close to a main road but thats just me

Dogmatic said:
A Rottweiler sitting on the front seat generally works as a deterrent :lol:


Sounds awesome mate. I can see that presents a problem.

We camp 4 days a fortnight, usually in State Forests and find out own way in.
I haven't camped at a public camping spot for many many years.



Be a tad hard to carry all my shite in tho lol
Hi Guys,
I used to work with an old bushie from Tumut and he used to tell a yarn about his EH ute when he lived in Tumut.
He reckoned there were kids stealing stuff out of his ute as it was never locked being in Tumut in the 60's.
So his remedy was to put a loaded rabbit trap in the glove box!
How true this is I don't know but it's a good yarn all the same.

yeah but the way you do it you still have all the comforts . the way i do it ........ it can quickly become a major nightmare if the weather turns and all i have is a swag .

probably a bit stupid of me but thats the spartacus personality in me

At least i dont go out fishing 18 km offshore in a 13 foot tinny anymore ( with no radio , flares , lifejacket , V sheet or anything ) . i cringe when i look back on my younger days :(

nice looking spot you have there . you probably wouldnt see another soul which is just perfect

It may not stop them pilfering stuff from the back, but if they sit in the front seat to nick the car 'Roof Spider' will stop them. Get the biggest, most realistic spider you can and pin it to the roof lining near the driver's sun visor. You get the picture ;)


hereskip said:
The sign should read

this car is protected by a lunatic with a shot gun 3 days a week
you pick which days.

You must have been to the Rabbit Flat Roadhouse, they had that or similar in the shop.
I read somewhere to leave a partly opened nappy on the front seat, insert an opened Mars Bar or similar so it's partly visible and let the sun and heat do the rest.
I like the nappy one, sure to work no worries, imagine opening a door with a babies nappy full in the heated up car, no way, good deterrent.
G,day Backcreek,,,,, Used that method Myself,,,, Pays to put a very short chain on the trap,,Inflicts More Pain if there off balance trying to remove the trap one handed ,Mine was inside the console lightly covered ,,Real breath taker in the dark !!!!!

Magnetic sign made up to stick on the door whilst out prospecting.
White bags with garden hose or thicker coiled up in side.......mouth of bags loosely tied.
Bags left lying on seats or floor.
Sign reads.
Note on windscreen to your offsider who doesn't exist........Hey Billy don't open the truck until i get back.....those Eastern Browns
On the front seat are real nasty nearly got me through the bag.

thesmithy said:
Magnetic sign made up to stick on the door whilst out prospecting.
White bags with garden hose or thicker coiled up in side.......mouth of bags loosely tied.
Bags left lying on seats or floor.
Sign reads.
Note on windscreen to your offsider who doesn't exist........Hey Billy don't open the truck until i get back.....those Eastern Browns
On the front seat are real nasty nearly got me through the bag.


i like that one .