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Ridge Runner said:
Diamo gold said:
grubstake said:
hAyyoUinAU said:
Give the guy a break. He already had his equipment stolen.

I think you're jumping to conclusions, mate. The original poster - ShakerGT - is from Esperance, which is 370 kilometres south of Coolgardie where this gear was stolen from and as others have already noted/questioned, he didn't actually say anything about it being his gear.

Good call grubstake , I thought it was his , either way still sucks big time !

Yep it is a terrible thing to happen, Only 18 months ago I had over 100k worth of gear stolen so I know how it feels, and a lot of those Items can not be replaced,

I'm sorry to hear that ridge runner , it just makes you sit back and wonder where this country of ours is heading ? Nearly nightly on the news you see old war veterans attacked in there own homes , home invasions , car jackings , shootings , stabbings and the list goes on and on ! The courts need to get fair dinkum and pull there heads out there bums and start dishing out some real jail time for these ice addicts and other crazies that seem to have taken over .
Diamo gold said:
I'm sorry to hear that ridge runner , it just makes you sit back and wonder where this country of ours is heading ? Nearly nightly on the news you see old war veterans attacked in there own homes , home invasions , car jackings , shootings , stabbings and the list goes on and on ! The courts need to get fair dinkum and pull there heads out there bums and start dishing out some real jail time for these ice addicts and other crazies that seem to have taken over .

Well this is why I said about the amount of info available, The more info we can make public the better our chances of helping the person who has lost all their gear, and the more info put out their will make it more difficult for the thieves etc and the list goes on,

The only way to stop this type of thing is to make it all but impossible for people like this to hide or market these items.

I had to attend Court today for a Good Matter O:) .. Wow some of the 'Things' people wear to Court is out of this world, and they Expect the Judges to be nice to them....If I was the Judge, I would have made half of them to go home and put some Clothes on.... :cool: One S#$t who broke into 6 cars in a few hours one night got a $250 Fine and was told 'Don't do it again'...... That's Justice for ya... :rolleyes: Hate Thieves with a Passion.... :mad:

Yeah it never seems enough, the 250$ won't effect them because they will either go and commit more crimes to raise the money or pay the fine with their next Dole cheque where the Gov gives them money and they hand it back, how can that be seen as punishment ?

It's a crazy way of dealing with crime, makes me wonder what the fines etc would be if the cars belonged to the judge.

laws are a joke to these types, a $250 fine is a laugh and he will pay that by stealing from more cars probably.

catch someone breaking into ya home and give em a belting and get taken to court for assault....... absolute joke....... but that wont stop me from giving it to them just like the $250 fine that wont stop the little bastard from stealing again.
LoneWolf said:
I had to attend Court today for a Good Matter O:) .. Wow some of the 'Things' people wear to Court is out of this world, and they Expect the Judges to be nice to them....If I was the Judge, I would have made half of them to go home and put some Clothes on.... :cool: One S#$t who broke into 6 cars in a few hours one night got a $250 Fine and was told 'Don't do it again'...... That's Justice for ya... :rolleyes: Hate Thieves with a Passion.... :mad:

Agree one hundred percent they should be tried in court over in Saudi Arabia found guilty well chop chop now you can't do it again
I agree with all you guys say, But "We" meaning everyone can make it impossible for them to exist by adding CCTV cameras, and by taking photos of our gear of the marks like scratch and dents etc because although serial numbers are always good to photo most thieves often remove them, and another thing is that magic dust that has micro ID numbers in it,

I get Angry too but I won't write it in public, It's not that I don't care but it is with good reason.

numpty said:
laws are a joke to these types, a $250 fine is a laugh and he will pay that by stealing from more cars probably.

catch someone breaking into ya home and give em a belting and get taken to court for assault....... absolute joke....... but that wont stop me from giving it to them just like the $250 fine that wont stop the little bastard from stealing again.
Most apply and are granted a "Work Development Order" to a approved not for profit organization where they are allowed to work for up to 33hrs per month minus meal times that leaves 26 paid hours at $30.00 per hour = $780.00 per month that is then taken off the amount owed
i have had people that have owed 20k +++ and as little as a $200.00 speeding fine
So getting the courts to impose a fine is a waste of time as they dont pay anyway
The only way to stop the rot is behind bars
Rant over :D
Ridge Runner said:
I agree with all you guys say, But "We" meaning everyone can make it impossible for them to exist by adding CCTV cameras, and by taking photos of our gear of the marks like scratch and dents etc because although serial numbers are always good to photo most thieves often remove them, and another thing is that magic dust that has micro ID numbers in it,

I get Angry too but I won't write it in public, It's not that I don't care but it is with good reason.

Fair call rr ya gotta do what ya gotta do
Ridge Runner said:
It is just the lack of info that annoys me.

That's all you needed to say then John, others (me included) have asked for more information. The more info the better, most important is dates of when it happened. All serial numbers provided so that's good info just need dates and who's gear it is.
RM Outback said:
Ridge Runner said:
It is just the lack of info that annoys me.

That's all you needed to say then John, others (me included) have asked for more information. The more info the better, most important is dates of when it happened. All serial numbers provided so that's good info just need dates and who's gear it is.

Yeah Mate, like everyone else I hate seeing this happen to folks but not as much them thieves getting away with it, If I was there I would willingly buy all this gear while someone else filmed it just so the owner could get closure and have their property back, I would love to give the thieves 1 years jail time for every 100 bucks this gear is worth whether it is this gear or breaking in to a 50k car, That's some serious jail time.

Theaving B$?$&);:s. how can I make it impossible to sell my gear unless I want to? Maybe engraving or nanotechnology or tracking device. What other great ideas does anyone have. Cheers. Sorry for going off topic.
Dave law said:
Theaving B$?$&);:s. how can I make it impossible to sell my gear unless I want to? Maybe engraving or nanotechnology or tracking device. What other great ideas does anyone have. Cheers. Sorry for going off topic.

A Bloody Big Rottweiler called Zuse... :p Nobody touches My Gear... ]:D

silver said:
Diamo gold said:
shakergt said:
Mate so sorry to hear that , fingers crossed you get them back soon , and if you find the mongrels give em a smack in the mouth for all us on pa
Yeah ,.... all of us lol :mad: :lol:
You crack me up silver :lol: :lol: :lol: Thats the best impulsive laughing sesh i've had in ages. Thanks matey :Y: :lol:
Apologies shakergt, i foung the youtube vid funny not the theft of your possesions, hope you catch them. :mad:
Fines dont mean anything.....

It will just go un paid and left inthe system.
Thieves dont pay fines! Lol
Great system ]:D
Good on you for putting this up shaker,keep walking past it on the IGA notice board around the corner,came here for a look and was thinking of posting about it,hoping they have some luck in recovering it all $$$$ :eek: