Spiders found in WA goldfields

Prospecting Australia

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Sep 26, 2013
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Home-Waikiki, Prospect-Leonora
Mouse Spider - Missulena occatoria
This little lovely lady (Mouse Spider) can be found on WA Goldfields. She packs a very painful punch with her bite equal to the Funnel Web.


Tarantula - Selenottholus Foelscheri

Where as this friendly lady can grow to 150mm+ leg span but is very friendly until she picks her man.
He has his way with her then she bites his head off. :(
Kept this one for a pet for a few months to study her habits. She escaped her glass house and it took me three nights to find her. Next trip I took her back to where I found her. There was a loud cheer from the fellas, little did they know what they were in for. :p



That 1st one looks nasty also looks like it dodged a bullet (9 o'clock) :lol: also noticed the container it's in says it's microwave proof, I'd be wack'n it in the microwave for sure :p not a fan of crawly Critters.
Interesting thread Nightjar.
I sure didnt know we had an Aussie tarantula, thats rad.
I kind of like spiders, as long as theyre not on me.
We have a huge family/ colony of black mouse spiders in our backyard (in Victoria)
I named the Tarantula "Mr T" until I found out he was a she.
The Australian Tarantula Society asked me to send her to QLD to mate with a captive male.
When I found her after her escape I decided then that she deserved to go back to the wild where she belonged.
Nothing to fear with this creature, she would climb onto my hand to grab her favourite food, crickets.

Maybe you could get used to an Australian Peacock Spider, beautiful colouring and would easily fit on your little finger nail.

Go on Google her. :playful:

Interesting nightjar, thanks for posting
I recall seeing hundreds of trapdoors with a certain pine needle looking leaf placed in a pattern around each door from the nearby scrub around Redcastle in W.A but I never saw the spiders, would you know what they were?
You know, this is where it gets weird because I actually like the Australian Peacock Spider and find it rather cute. I have no beef with little ones at all, but once they start getting around to the size of a 20 cent coin well, they no longer look cute to me but start to become creepy....

Take my much loved Funnelweb prospecting hat for example.....

Here's what it looks like, advertised on Reeds Prospecting website where I bought it from

As you can see, it shows the Funnelweb logo on the front, and damn it! I'd get stuck into some serious digging, take off my harness, hat, and put everything down. Eventually when the digging saga was over, I'd lean down to pick up my hat and ARRGGGGHHHH!!!!!! I'd forget there was a logo on the hat and momentarily think there was one of those freaking Southern Funnelwebs!! No point me being silent in the State Forest with my headphones not wanting to give my position away if I scream like a Banshee so loud that all the cockatoos and bird flocks scatter and anyone in the vicinity comes rushing to see if i'm ok.....

So, I decided to forgo any resale value and I took to that damn spider with a big fat permanent black marker..


Strangely, Snakes I don't really give a fig about. I've had them close to me many a time when out fishing or in the bush, and provided that I know where they are and my kids are safe, I'm not fussed. Of course, most snakes are more deadly than all but one or two spiders, but I guess it comes down to catching Eels with my father ever since I was a little tacker. I've seen guys cut their lines or run screaming up the riverbank when an Eel is pulled out quite often, and maybe it's because I have handled them often ever since I was a child that I don't find Snakes creepy, whereas spiders were always something that sent my mother into a screaming conniption for as long as I can remember.

And yes they are a set of Sunray Gold Pro's that are in my hat. I was originally tossing up between them and a set of Black Widows until I saw that Damned Creepy Logo that the tools at Black Widow put on the sides of their earcups!!!
Yep, I had considered getting Mrs Deepseeker to unpick the embroidered logo (I couldn't do it myself as I couldn't bear to look at the thing up close), but I thought knowing my luck it would just leave a big hole in the front. I can't go getting sunburn on my 3rd eye Chakra :(
Nightjar said:
I'd call you BIG GIRLS, Deepseeker & Ded D, but have great respect for our lady friends, no matter race, colour creed or breed.
Have to settle for SOOKS!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
yep im a controlled Arachnophobic . if I get one on me I calmly & quietly flick it off whilst not breathing & trembling inside .... unless it gets in my hair or down my collar .... then I do a war dance 8.(
spiders & scorpions just aren't my idea of a pet :argh:
Ded Driver said:
if I get one on me I calmly & quietly flick it off whilst not breathing & trembling inside .... unless it gets in my hair or down my collar

I knew there was a reason I don't have hair! :)

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