Some WA gold

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Mar 23, 2013
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Here is a pic of almost 3oz of tiddlers we have gotten over the last couple of weeks. About 200 nuggets :)


very nice finds DD. Have heard a few mixed reports on the west this year - you are certainly one of the plus reports. A couple of mates tell me the weather was bad (wet) 'up north'. Covered their expenses there and back.
No monsters yet this year but the Hoover 5Ks are still getting plenty of these tiddlers. The weather was pretty crap down around Kalgoorlie aswell, but has been a very pleasant sunny and 25 degrees most days since we got back to Meeka.

Nugget said:
Wowsers DD :eek:, how often do you head out?

I have been pretty lazy this year and have only been detecting about 3-4hrs a day. I do that basically every morning then spend the afternoon drinking xxxx gold and playing with my stick mad dog. Ahh it's a hard life :) .

Diggerdude said:
Nugget said:
Wowsers DD :eek:, how often do you head out?

I have been pretty lazy this year and have only been detecting about 3-4hrs a day. I do that basically every morning then spend the afternoon drinking xxxx gold and playing with my stick mad dog. Ahh it's a hard life :) .


Now that's the life, where I do I sign up? :lol:
What a great variety of colors in that mix DD, looks to be a few with a bit of stone still on them or is that just calcrete?
What a wonderful way to spend the morning, and the afternoon... good luck out there.

Cheers Tone
TenOunce Tone said:
What a great variety of colors in that mix DD, looks to be a few with a bit of stone still on them or is that just calcrete?
What a wonderful way to spend the morning, and the afternoon... good luck out there.

Cheers Tone

Some of them have a thin layer of ironstone on them. Most of the gold around here comes from where the quartz contacts the ironstone.
Couldn't think of a better way to spend the day.

Tell me DD - a lot of us older Vic prospectors swear by the old timers indicators theory. The Ballarat Indicator was the first one such noted and now the generic name for all of them. Do the same sorts of theories hold up over there in WA?
From what I have noticed the Heathcote goldfield is the most similar to over here as it is also on a greenstone belt. The main difference being there age. Over here there is a lot more laterites and calcretes from aging. But in general te indicators are very similar.
The other Victorian areas seem to be hosted in shale/slate and have eroded into alluvial leads whitch are not very common over here.
The gold here is mostly elluvial which stays a lot closer to the source than Victoria, and is much easier to read.
But as any experienced prospector knows, as soon as you make a rule gold will break it, and can be found in som very queer places.
The ultra mafic ironstone with quartz remains the main indicator I look for here.

Thanks DD - we are currently sitting around watching the footy, on the gas (VB - the choice of prospectors) and debating why single nuggets/loners exist. Best laugh has been emu poo droppings 'cause they eat shiny stuff (which is true).
loamer said:
Thanks DD - we are currently sitting around watching the footy, on the gas (VB - the choice of prospectors) and debating why single nuggets/loners exist. Best laugh has been emu poo droppings 'cause they eat shiny stuff (which is true).

Haha, I was discussing this exact theory with JP two weeks ago. I found an 8 grammer in the middle of no where with no buddies.
My idea was the emu theory aswell lol, he said that it has happened to him in areas with no emus before so more likely just a solo blob of gold on a leader.
I like the emu idea better :).


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