Snake sightings, encounters and reminders.

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Like that at Grabben Gullen during the summer...we'll often come across at least a couple of red bellies each day but if you leave them alone they will leave you alone.....unless you look like a "skink" :)...problem only arises when you want to disturb them or give them a poke. ;)
heres one i had to move a while back..the family had been walking over it all day as it slept under the stair..
got in nice and close for the shot..


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Great photos and a great reminder to people, if you're not experienced at catching snakes call an expert who is. I got bit by a brown snake when I was a kid, handling it and a legless lizard at the same time, serves myself right. Lesson learnt.🥵
For those who haven't seen it, the backstory to the above amazing pic of the young woman and the brown snake, is that she is a professional snake-catcher and was having a rest break after capturing and relocating that very snake. When it made its surprising reappearance, she already knew that it was in a chill mood despite having been captured, bagged, transported and re-released, so she understood that the safest action was to remain calm, sit still and let it go past, as any sudden movement might alarm it enough to reflexively strike. That proved to be the right call.

Her colleague took photos to illustrate the point that interfering with snakes going about their business is dangerous - leave them be and don't risk your life. Call in an expert to remove them, if necessary.
Paramedics episode tonight I believe is a section on snake bite. Could make awareness of how serious it can get as the clock starts to tick? ;) Incidentally not to sure how relevant a snake being aggressive or not is ? They don't get around with little signs saying "Here I am" so when you step on one guess what ? They certainly won't be passive aggressive 🤣
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For those who haven't seen it, the backstory to the above amazing pic of the young woman and the brown snake, is that she is a professional snake-catcher and was having a rest break after capturing and relocating that very snake. When it made its surprising reappearance, she already knew that it was in a chill mood despite having been captured, bagged, transported and re-released, so she understood that the safest action was to remain calm, sit still and let it go past, as any sudden movement might alarm it enough to reflexively strike. That proved to be the right call.

Her colleague took photos to illustrate the point that interfering with snakes going about their business is dangerous - leave them be and don't risk your life. Call in an expert to remove them, if necessary.
I have never encountered an aggressive snake, quite the contrary.
We were camped by a creek near Trunkey and saw a red-bellied black snake foraging on the creek bank about 20 metres away.
The next day it was foraging about 10 metres away.
On the third day, ignoring us completely, or perhaps accepting our presence as non-threatening, it was right amongst us, checking out the holes we were digging under water and investigating grass clumps we were pulling up.
Concerned that there might be a misunderstanding resulting in a hurried bite I attempted to persuade the snake to move on by lifting it with a long-handled shovel (very long-handled) and depositing it some distance away.
It kept coming back to where we were working, still exhibiting no aggression,
It was the most companiably poisonous snake I have ever encountered.
We gave it best and moved some distance away and left it to its placid foraging.
I'm pretty sure no one is suggesting a snake will chase you down the road an up a tree to bite you :rolleyes: But in saying that in FNQ you can roll past one on the road and it will strike at the car being it feels threatened I would expect ? This being the same reason why if you stand on one odds on it will bite you with result being your in the proverbial. Paramedic show last night was a good example of how serious it is treated and she was only 20K from nearest town. Remote outback takes it to a whole different level. ;)
Back in SA as a kid putting out & collecting rabbit traps, the larger King Browns would fairly aggressively “chase” you. We were always under the impression that this was predominantly when they had eggs in the area. Not sure if it was true, but yes, the buggers would chase us.
Not much effort to get away from them, but it paid to keep your eyes peeled - particularly on warm evenings out checking the traps.
Back in SA as a kid putting out & collecting rabbit traps, the larger King Browns would fairly aggressively “chase” you. We were always under the impression that this was predominantly when they had eggs in the area. Not sure if it wa true, but yes, the buggers would chase us.
Not much effort to get away from them, but it paid to keep your eyes peeled - particularly on warm evenings out checking the traps.
David 100% I won't use the word chase but on at least several occasions have been sitting in a very open area and they have certainly made a bee line for me when they had no need to come anywhere near me? Inland Taipan was last encounter when sitting on the ground leaning back and I froze as he came from behind sliding between my arm on the ground and bum. Now when I say froze I'm not saying like the cool young lady in vid above, I froze simply because I shit myself :oops::rolleyes:. I don't sit on the ground anymore ;)
David 100% I won't use the word chase but on at least several occasions have been sitting in a very open area and they have certainly made a bee line for me when they had no need to come anywhere near me? Inland Taipan was last encounter when sitting on the ground leaning back and I froze as he came from behind sliding between my arm on the ground and bum. Now when I say froze I'm not saying like the cool young lady in vid above, I froze simply because I shit myself :oops::rolleyes:. I don't sit on the ground anymore ;)
We were building a place in SA When I was younger, I’d dug the septic tank the day before and I was doing some work on the roof, when I saw my old man jump into the pit, in preparation to begin bricking it up. I heard a yell, and he bounced out like there’d been a trampoline down there.
Turns out, overnight the biggest brown I’d ever seen had dropped in there, and the old fella hadn’t spotted it until after he jumped. Never saw him move so fast…
Another time a friend found his dog barking at the kids toy box on the verandah - and out slid a cobra.
