Snake sightings, encounters and reminders.

Prospecting Australia

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The tiger snake looks almost blended into the background. Scary
I walked over a tiger once. It didnt move. Maybe jt was sleeping or dont they budge like desth adders?
I saw a few snakes at ditma the other week in one outting 3 snakes. 2 taipan , and one whippit
RM Outback said:
That 3D artist is amazing what a talent :Y:. Could get him to draw me at work while I go for a swing :lol:. Oh hang on a minute that can't happen I work for myself 8.(.

Well is that case get him to draw you going down the drive to go and pick up supplies, that will fool em, Lol.

From Clunes Victoria. The tigers are on the march, though this one did not make the grand final! Tigers love damp and wet gullies and water courses.
Prick of a snake.
In nature, They have their place and are stunning.
As a threat.
Not Good. :N: :N:
I wouldnt be posting that, its illegal to kill them....but you did the right thing in my books.
rocketaroo said:
I wouldnt be posting that, its illegal to kill them....but you did the right thing in my books.

Yeah unless you or family are in immediate danger, you are facing a $7500-$11000 fine for indiscriminately killing a snake in Aus.

Not sure of the circumstances with the Tiger here but it prob could have been left alone, it's ingrained into us that the only good snake is a dead one....I'm more worried about bloody spiders. We had a Whitetail in our bed the other night, gave me the chills.

Then I was moving a piece of driftwood I had bleaching in the sun and out popped one of the biggest Redbacks I have ever seen, its abdomen nearly as big as a 5c piece. My dad got bit on the hand by one, was not pretty....even though they say redbacks do not cause necrotising arachnidism, I remember his hand swelling up like a football and the skin peeled off.
Nobody killed it it died of fright , tigers are the most agressive Australian snake i know of most snakes move on when disturbed but tigers will come straight to you , i have watched them when fishing on opposite bank then they have noticed me and and swam across by that time i was high tailing it back to the vehicle , yukky bloody animal grrrrrr i can stand all other breeds unless their mating then ther all agressive buggers.
AussieChris said:
rocketaroo said:
I wouldnt be posting that, its illegal to kill them....but you did the right thing in my books.

Yeah unless you or family are in immediate danger, you are facing a $7500-$11000 fine for indiscriminately killing a snake in Aus.

Not sure of the circumstances with the Tiger here but it prob could have been left alone, it's ingrained into us that the only good snake is a dead one....I'm more worried about bloody spiders. We had a Whitetail in our bed the other night, gave me the chills.

Then I was moving a piece of driftwood I had bleaching in the sun and out popped one of the biggest Redbacks I have ever seen, its abdomen nearly as big as a 5c piece. My dad got bit on the hand by one, was not pretty....even though they say redbacks do not cause necrotising arachnidism, I remember his hand swelling up like a football and the skin peeled off.
Chris, get your house sprayed each year $250-300 and you'll never have a problem again. Pest controllers use synthetic pyrethrins these days which are very very safe to mammals but deadly to insects. If you are really paranoid about chemicals, dusting the roof and subfloor with permetherin will solve most problems.
aussiefarmer said:
Nobody killed it it died of fright , tigers are the most agressive Australian snake i know of most snakes move on when disturbed but tigers will come straight to you , i have watched them when fishing on opposite bank then they have noticed me and and swam across by that time i was high tailing it back to the vehicle , yukky bloody animal grrrrrr i can stand all other breeds unless their mating then ther all agressive buggers.
You have never came across a taipan or a king brown,
The coastal taipan, is probably the most dangerous and aggressive snakes of all in Australia, 3rd in venom but packs a punch and inject 400mml compared to most snakes that would be less than 80mml
The tiger would be the most dangerous to the southern states.
It is more aggressive around its breeding season, ( October November )
The snake that worries me out on the bush is the eastern brown.
Mate eastern browns are the most common snake here i probably see 20 a year , then black 12 a yr , then tigers 2 or 3 . Used to see 1or 2 king browns a year when growing up but its rare to see a proper one these days.

I still find browns will either stay still or move away compared to tigers . Imo.