Silver/Grey Material. Platinum?

Prospecting Australia

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Jan 19, 2017
Reaction score
Hi all,
I was out with my trusty OLD SD2200 and I got a signal in a light grey clay-ish lump about the size of a shoebox. I couldnt pin point so I took the lump of clay like material back and broke it up and panned it. It had dark brown malteeser sized nodules throughout. The brown material was like balls of course instant coffee.

Anyway I panned and got some shiny heavies in the pan. Sort of cigarette packet aluminium coloured. It looks like a goat has eaten some of an aluminium can and pood some out. :D

Location was in Yilgarn GF near an intersection of greenstone (thanks to the trilobite app) Archaeon Mafic intrusive and Cenozoic Laterite. Some faults nearby.

I will add pics.

Pen and lined paper are for scale.
These were the biggest (laughing because its small ) bits the rest is 1/4 of that size and smaller.
It is quite common in cattle country to come across small bits of alfoil type stuff. It goes right through the system from supplement lick packaging. Good idea not to wash it in your mouth!
Okay, that maybe what it is? I put all the bits photographed on a cheap-ish digital pocket scale that weighs to 0.00 grams and it was not heavy enough to register. If it was PT I would assume it would even though they are small. Is there a simple way that I can see if its AL? BTW some bits were is so slightly magnetic to a rare earth magnet.
Thanks Rockwell for your feedback. Starting to think you could be on the money.
LH said:
Haha ?.
Okay that maybe what it is. I put all the bits photographed on a cheap ish digital pocket scale that weighs to 0.00 grams and it was not heavy enough to register. If it was PT I would assume it would even though they are small. Is there a simple way that I can see if its AL, ? Btw some bits were is so slightly magnetic to a rare earth magnet.
Thanks Rockwell for your feedback. Starting to think you could be on the money.

Thinking back to my schoolboy days and backyard 'science' experiments, if you have access to a solution of caustic soda (sodium hydroxide, often used as oven cleaner), drop a piece of the metal into it and stand clear! If the metal immediately foams and fizzes until it vanishes (dissolves away), then it was aluminium and the fizzing gas was hydrogen. [Don't try this indoors or on mum's jarrah tabletop, kids]
...and 10 :1 diluted brick acid ( hydrochloric) will dissolve most of the rest of the non valuable nonmagnetic silver coloured metals....

If it survives caustic and acid and is non magnetic but still soft enough to mark with a knife then it is interesting enough to get XRF done at your local gold buyer, but their charge will be more than that lot is worth so would only do for interest or if you think there is lots more around
Thanks for the info folks.
I dont have any oven cleaner handy but I do have some Hcl acid 632g/L and put a squirt on one of the bits and it bubbled and reduced it to dust. So I guess it is definitely not platinum.
I really appreciate your sharing of your knowledge and time !
Have a fantastic Australia Day!