silent newbies and guests.

Prospecting Australia

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Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
Just looked at the members and found 897 newbies with no posts ! Now I'm sure you don't all have to be shy. And while I'm at it, there are an awesome amount of guests compared to members online most times, join in people I'm sure you all have an incredible amount of knowledge to share as well ! ( Don't be shy )
I was a guest for a while just to watch the tone.
Turns out to be a friendly active forum, it all takes time.

I frequent some astronomy forums, same deal.
silver said:
Just looked at the members and found 897 newbies with no posts ! Now I'm sure you don't all have to be shy. And while I'm at it, there are an awesome amount of guests compared to members online most times, join in people I'm sure you all have an incredible amount of knowledge to share as well ! ( Don't be shy )

What he said, join the best forum around, share the knowledge and don't be shy.


I for one use this site to get information on all forms of prospecting but give little back in return. One reason for this is my knowledge is very limited (what I know about prospecting for anything could be written on a postage stamp) even though I've been prospecting for years. I think the reason behind my lack of knowledge because that I've only worked one area and haven't traveled like some other members. To travel to different parts of the state or country, one would get a better picture of how gold and gem stones, ect are formed and the different soil and rock structures there found in. This is where the computer age and great sites like this have come into there own. By reading the posts on here and doing a bit of backup research of my own I'll be able to travel anywhere and know what to find and where to find it and how to recover it without a lot of hassles.
On other sites I've given information and have been shot down in flames or been told my information is irrelevant. I've put up posts on my outings which either been ignored or picked to death and been used as the basis for jokes. I don't get out into the field as much as I would like to and when I do I don't have much luck and the trip is uneventful so my story would bore the paint off a house. I like photography and have heaps of photos and now I'm venturing into the home movie side of things. I'm running on a limited budget so posting heaps of photos is a costly exercise (bloody telstra!!!).
I will try to post more tales and photos but be warned it could put you to sleep and the photos would make a great rainy camp day game of "guess what this is".
After today I might'n be on here as much because I'll be going back to work which is a 12 day on 2 days off job and there's no signal for the phone or comp out there.
:) Mick
PS: To all those who have contributed information on here, thank you, I've learnt a lot and I know I still have heaps to learn.
I've been told that I've had a couple of cows escape from the top paddock so I better go find :D
Hi Mick,

As a newcomer to the hobby and this site; I have also learnt a lot from this forum. A great forum and even better people...
Axeman/Mick I think that you have summed it up perfectly.
As 'prospectors' we are all at different levels of experience/knowledge, but we ALL have information that WILL help someone out there- some will definitely have more than others, but that's not the point, so long as we are all prepared to take the time to SHARE that knowledge & experience- at the end of the day that is what Forum's are supposed to be about........aren't they?
Personally mate, you have helped me a several occasions with valuable information & motivation; & I have witnessed you do the same for many others on the Forum, so I think that you are selling yourself short when you say you don't have much to offer.
As I said in another recent post, those that come to the Forum with the attitude that they will only take & not give, stand out like 'two-heads on a dog' but thankfully the vast majority of this Forum is made up on the 'giving' type of prospector, & I feel that this is what sets this Forum above all the rest. It is up to every single one of us to make sure it stays that way & the BEST way to do that is if we all look to share what we know & ask questions of what we don't know........ASK & SHARE!
Look forward to meeting you on the 17th Mick & hopefully the Gold-Gods bless us with some good colour.

BB ;)
hi all BJ 60 John... new to the group and like what i see of the posts...reletive new to budget prospecting...have pans highbanker and old yes an old garrett groundhog in original new condition...hope to get along to the meetup at nundle looks like a great group attending for an exciting weekend... cheers john
i went to the beach the other day and found a bottle. top the beach was really clean and my chinese metal detector still needs some fine tuning. 8.(
Yeah, I agree with the axeman (Mick) and BumbleB.

A lot of information here coming from a lot of friendlly members. It's nice to know that you're not going to be shot down in flames or told your information is not relevant. Information can be used in so many different ways and mean many different things to different people.

Join in, ask and share! :)


I concur, this forum has a lot less attitude than some. The last thing you want is to be shot down, happy to be "set straight" but hate forums where "experts" pick every word and misrepresent the intent of a post. Healthy debate and a bit of banter is fun, and this forum has the right mix so well done. I never thought id be "going to a prospectors gathering"....see you all at Nundle!

Postings on this forum dont necessarily have to be prospecting related as not one of us can call ourselves an expert. We are all learning and have much more to learn in our lives.
Our experiences and skills in our private lives are also useful. Some of us have more experience in other fields eg, fabrication, health and safety, camping, cooking. You name it. You dont have to do anything else but add your experiences as advice to others.

I think most of all, we have the chance to meet other people with similar interests and just have some fun!
As soon as I found this forum(my first ever) I bit the bullet and joined strait away, as I liked what it was all about and could see that openness with each other. Well done all.
Reading over these comments is very encouraging and I'm grateful for all the support you guys have shown since the forum went online. It gives me great satisfaction to know that fellow fossickers and adventurers from all over Australia (and other countries) are benefiting from something that was created on a whim.

Although being a bit of a "lurker" myself lately due to an increase in work commitments, I welcome all of our newcomers and guests to join in the discussion of Australian Prospecting. The only stupid questions around here are the ones you never ask ;)

P.S. As kleinman98 mentioned a few posts back, not every topic has to be prospecting related, we have a number of other sections such as General Chat, Camping, Fishing & Boating etc.

There does see to be a pretty friendly lot here. Had a chance to come across some of your countrymen in Turkey for ANZAC and we had a riot. Prospectors are usually pretty friendly too, and the bonus is that you wont find me sneaking around on your claim.
sounds like my finds so I am still excited about going out hunting, cant wait for the first coin!
kev351 said:
i went to the beach the other day and found a bottle. top the beach was really clean and my chinese metal detector still needs some fine tuning. 8.(
I love this forum, I spend more time on it than any other one due to the attitudes and comeradory of the members. I find many members on here treat prospecting more as a recreation or hobby vs a second income stream ( or primary), hence are more willing to share information and experiences vs purely show and tell every second day with no real useful information.

Not much point in having a forum without sharing experiences, tips and helping out newcomers to the field. Whilst there is nothing wrong with earning from detecting, I feel it tends to make some of those people a bit cagey about sharing any useful info to help out fellow prospectors, not that I expect people to disclose exact locations or anything like that, just a small contribution of helpful info. This certainly occurs more on other forums versus this one, so keep up the good work guys. :)
Goldpick that is an interesting observation you have made about the motivation of income v fun hobby; as I have notice that there are a few people on this Forum (that seem to dominate other Forums), that seem to be the ones that aren't so forthcoming with their information/help while seemingly 'milking' everyone for whatever info' they can extract for themselves. As I mentioned in a previous post, these people stand out very quickly & I have often wondered why these people are that way & I think you have hit the nail on the head.......they see only the $$$, not the fun, excitement & brotherhood/sisterhood. It's a shame really.... :( But this Forum still rocks! :lol:
Hi Silver, I am a silent newbie. I joined the Forum yesterday and just having a look around. :)

Cheers, Woolshed.