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Sorry to hear your bad news. Very sad. Hopefully any treatment goes well & can bring positive changes.
sorry about the news. my family and my thoughts are with you in this hard time. I have a young family also and couldnt imagine how hard it is for you and your family.
so so so sorry to hear of a tragedy like this .

Only 3 ?

Hoping you can help him keep as bright and positive as possible and keep looking for options

miracles can happen . dont give up
Hi Rod
I just read the post.
Mate Im so sorry about your grandson.New like that cut through the heart
Our love goes out to you and your family. Stay strong and have faith
Sorry to hear the news Rod. Our love and thoughts are with you and your family.
Very sorry to hear that Rod, thoughts and prayers of love and courage from me and my partner to you, your family and your little one.
Very sorry to hear that Ramjet. My family and I will be praying for you, Thomas and his mum and dad for strength and peace as you tackle this terrible time. wishing you the best, Rick and family.
Sorry to hear about the bad news mate. We know all to well what you are going through all I can say is keep up the good fight and when family and friends come together in a time like this you will find strength, support and love. You will be in our thoughts.
All the best
Skips mob
Sorry to hear the devastating news Rod, There isn't really much anyone can say to make it feel better but at least know that we are all thinking of you and feeling for you and your family at this time. Tell Thomas that there is a load of people today who sends their love to him
All the best mate from Bill , Kate and all the N.T. mob
Hi Rod,

Very sorry to hear your news mate, both mine and Lees hearts go out to the little man and your family

Take care

Our kindest regards

Colin & Lee
Thank you all.
The battle started today.
First round of chemo.
Long and complicated process.
No side affects yet but it's early days.
He was very perky and cheeky today.

Thank you all again for you thoughts and words.
Special mention to the history buffs for last night's distractions. :)
Thoughts and prayers to the family and the little one Roger, terrible news, may you all find comfort from the love you share through this tough time
Ramjet said:
Thank you all.
The battle started today.
First round of chemo.
Long and complicated process.
No side affects yet but it's early days.
He was very perky and cheeky today.

Thank you all again for you thoughts and words.
Special mention to the history buffs for last night's distractions. :)

There is a chinese herb called astragalus membranaceous ( also known as Huang Ji )

Its often prescribed by chinese medicine experts to undo some of the damage caused to the organs and immune system by chemo

If you mention that to some western doctors they will go off their nut but it has been used for a reason.

Chemo is pretty harsh on the body . its up to you if you want to talk to a couple of chinese medicine experts for an opinion.

Some people have no interest in the alternative side , but mentioning it just in case

good luck with everything there.
Hi Rod, just read the post mate. So Sorry to hear the sad news, not quite sure what to say other than stay strong and positive things may get better.
Sorry to hear
That is the worst thing that could possibly happen to anyone
Best of luck and I hope the lil buddy stays strong
Respect Mud Guts