RotGrub's Video's from CA

Prospecting Australia

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May 19, 2015
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California, USA
This was from last weekend. Had a good trip and got some chunky gold. It shows my current recirculating highbanker in action. We ran 56 buckets of -1/2" material and tried out some alum to clear up the supply water and it worked! There are many past versions of my recirculating highbanker on my YT channel if interested. Season 1 has the primitive version, season 2 is a bit more refined and season 3 discussed the vortex principals.

hey Rotgrub,

Good to see your taking our advice and keeping an eye out for those nasty dropbears mate.. :D

That setup looks pretty good and the Alum seemed to do the trick.

Great vid, thanks for sharing
Nice video mate. Loved it. Left me hanging at the end with that crevices material!!
Definitely going to chase down the back episodes. Thanks for a great share.
Haha Bloody Drop bears have spread to the US be very careful mate they love Rum
Loved the vid mate
MJB said:
hey Rotgrub,

Good to see your taking our advice and keeping an eye out for those nasty dropbears mate.. :D

That setup looks pretty good and the Alum seemed to do the trick.

Great vid, thanks for sharing

Yes MJB, those drop bears had me going for a bit... Wife still thinks there only in Australia...
Goldtarget said:
Nice video mate. Loved it. Left me hanging at the end with that crevices material!!
Definitely going to chase down the back episodes. Thanks for a great share.

Thanks Goldtarget, the crevice material just had some fine gold.
great stuff RG.. I am pleased that you have learned something about Australian wildlife and culture.. You gotta watch out for our guys pulling your leg.. :)
kawman said:
great stuff RG.. I am pleased that you have learned something about Australian wildlife and culture.. You gotta watch out for our guys pulling your leg.. :)

Doesn't matter where we live, miners are miners... I'm also pleased to learn about Australian critters and culture.
Test Pit Results
Been slammed with work but found time to sneak off into the woods... Not without some squealing and crying but they'll get over it. We finish up our test pit on a AMRA claim in CA and now have a plan to continue our quest for virgin ground. Hope all is well in your world, getting too dam hot in CA.

Me to MJB, This claim has a lot of potential. What we recovered was second hand gold which was lost by the old timers. If we can find the ground they mined it should be much better...
Howdy guys, good to see Rotgrub mining clan back with a new vid, nice work, just a thought, do you guys search for old alluvial leads similar to some ways over here in OZ, I was taught by a good friend who used a mix of google earth images cross referencing with maps, then on the ground we would work out 'anticlines' and 'synclines', look for older larger trees that appeared to follow a path, and even types of trees that grow in certain areas, is this similar to what you guys do? :)
Thanks dwt, Yes we have done a lot of research on this claim. Back in the late 1800s there were 50 or so miners working the area. AMRA records indicate that these miners averaged 2-3oz per day with pick & shovel. They had to stockpile their material and wait for the water to flow as this area is very dry. There has been a few fires so the big old trees are pretty much gone with a few exceptions well outside of the perceived creek bed. As I said in the video, I believe that our test pit is in the tailing channel, which I also believe is located to the north of the old creek bed where the miners collected their material. The only way to confirm my theory is to move south and dig more test holes. This is the best part of prospecting; the hunt... Well, except for pulling giant fat nuggets out of the box :)
gotta love the hunt rotgrub. adventure, surprises, possible juicy size nugs, and the fun of it all. Wish i was doing something like this, maybe in my later years or if i ever get to live close to an old gold mining area.
it doesn't matter where you live. There is always some kind of treasure waiting to be found. I'm like a crow; if its shiny I'll pick it up. Ling Ling however will pick up rocks from a city road... Metal detectors are great for a quick fix of hunting if we can't get out to the claim.