Places not to stick your finger.

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Manpa said:
shakergt said:
Wishfull said:
Circular saw about two years ago. I posted the picture here at the time. Only 2 stitches. Anesthetic hurt more than the cut. Was working on the old caravan. About to start that project up again actually.

Wishfull sounds you and I have had a similar experience. I had a circular saw kick back and run up my hand between the thumb and index finger. 7 stiches later and it is all fine. I definitely have to agree with you that the anesthetic hurt more than the cut.

My brother was removing a termite riddled floor for his neighbour, wearing the appropriate footwear, not, he had thongs on. 9" Circ saw kicked back, result 4 toes off, only little piggy remained. All stitched back but has since lost second toe. Can't wear thongs now.

Thats a stinker.

I only lost two finger tips on two separate occasions to tungsten carbide blades , and drilled through my hand with an 8mm drill bit another time , the tendon was hanging out of the hole but couldnt get the tendon sewed back until I finished night shift , got the machine loaded on a truck 6 hours later then I could bugger off to hospital for the stitch up.

I consider myself lucky compared to many here. :)
Drill bit injury, here's one for you, many many moons ago I worked for a bedding retailer in Adelaide and we we invited to tour Sealys factory out Elizabeth way from memory. We did the tour but the sales manager from Sealy was missing, I enquired as to his whereabouts and was told he had a little accident earlier in the day. Doing a job for home in the workshop he went to drill a bit of metal without centre punching it, you guessed it, drill spun off the workpiece but the damage done was a fairly messy hole drilled through his nice trousers, undies and scrotum! 8.( 8.(

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