PI circuit kit

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Jun 16, 2022
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I will never be cashed up enough to buy a PI unit and am always wondering is there something a bit deeper. Buying a VLF Goldmonster was difficult enough but I was wondering if there may yet be another avenue to PI.
I have seen a number of YouTube clips on self building a PI circuit. The easiest to access might be those based on Arduino controllers but there are a few ready made boards based on other controllers sold out of Ukraine and Bulgaria on eBay. I am fine with circuitry construction and winding a search coil but will have to get up to speed with microcontroller programming.
Anyone here had any experience with DIY PI projects ?
Gcause has a detailed description on his build https://www.prospectingaustralia.com/threads/surf-pi-1-2-surfkit.5890/#post-71871
Alternatively, spend a few days/weeks/months reading up on them here: https://www.geotech1.com/forums/forum.php?s=7c533871107f889f5faeb3ff8f41db02
I successfully built a Surf PI from a kit purchased from Silverdog on geotech forum.
Thanks Terry. Yeah I am not rushing into this and will do the research. I have had a look at the geotech forum site but couldn't see any threads. i think I will register and see if that gives me access. How has the Surf PI unit served you? Beach prospecting or nuggets?
Hi Gregyem.
I note the Gold monster retails for about $1250 (new) and I have seen second hand SDC 2300s for as low as $2600 on gumtree. So that is a difference of $1350 between the GM and a sure fire PI gold finder.
PI technology is quite old and the kits you are interested in may be able to replicate that but its success as a gold finding technology rests on many other factors not least is the patented timing technology to negate soil interference found in modern PI gold detectors and pioneered by Minelab.
I would be a little inclined to avoid spending more of my money on things like PI kits and use that to start up a savings account towards upgrading to a used 2300. If you sell the GM you are not far off half way there.
I am sure good used detectors like the 2300 will be around for many years and probably even a bit cheaper to pick up. After holiday periods is a good time to look for bargains.
I am eagerly awaiting the new PI that Nokta Makro have in development.
With their ability to build quality, reliable and highly effective VLF machines, I am sure that their venture into the realm of a gold finding PI will give future buyers much food for thought.
And I am positive it won’t be in the ridiculous $ 7k—10k price range... probably around a third of that :p
Check out this thread over on Steve H’s forum.
Hi Gregyem.
I note the Gold monster retails for about $1250 (new) and I have seen second hand SDC 2300s for as low as $2600 on gumtree. So that is a difference of $1350 between the GM and a sure fire PI gold finder.
PI technology is quite old and the kits you are interested in may be able to replicate that but its success as a gold finding technology rests on many other factors not least is the patented timing technology to negate soil interference found in modern PI gold detectors and pioneered by Minelab.
I would be a little inclined to avoid spending more of my money on things like PI kits and use that to start up a savings account towards upgrading to a used 2300. If you sell the GM you are not far off half way there.
I am sure good used detectors like the 2300 will be around for many years and probably even a bit cheaper to pick up. After holiday periods is a good time to look for bargains.
Thanks for the advice Geoff. I do enjoy the lightweight aspect of the GM and as I am still cutting my teeth on this new hobby, I reckon I still have a lot to learn about geology, reading the landscape, where I can physically and legally fossicking etc before I sell to attempt an upgrade. I will keep my options open, hang on to the GM for a while yet and see if I can learn a bit more about PI technology/circuitry. I have built high end audio gear and repaired ADF comms equipment in the past so tinkering with an oscilloscope to achieve optimised timing on the collapsing field is okay for me. Of course, as you point out, the design has to be capable of it.
Thanks for the advice Geoff. I do enjoy the lightweight aspect of the GM and as I am still cutting my teeth on this new hobby, I reckon I still have a lot to learn about geology, reading the landscape, where I can physically and legally fossicking etc before I sell to attempt an upgrade. I will keep my options open, hang on to the GM for a while yet and see if I can learn a bit more about PI technology/circuitry. I have built high end audio gear and repaired ADF comms equipment in the past so tinkering with an oscilloscope to achieve optimised timing on the collapsing field is okay for me. Of course, as you point out, the design has to be capable of it.
There are some lower cost lightweight PI options around:
- a used Interfacion QED can be picked up for under ~$1200 with some extras in a lot of cases. Free life of detector software updates available & a reasonably good PI in Australian conditions if you are ok with manual adjustments;
- used Whites TDI Pro & SL detectors would be picked up reasonably cheap now as they are both out of production (Whites has sold to Garrett)
There are some lower cost lightweight PI options around:
- a used Interfacion QED can be picked up for under ~$1200 with some extras in a lot of cases. Free life of detector software updates available & a reasonably good PI in Australian conditions if you are ok with manual adjustments;
- used Whites TDI Pro & SL detectors would be picked up reasonably cheap now as they are both out of production (Whites has sold to Garrett)
Sounds like a good approach. I have not found a DIY circuit that provides ground balancing. So yeah maybe a second hand jobbie