Pet Warning !

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Oct 21, 2014
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Just wanted to tell and warn people about a Flea and Tick product on the market.
I have 2 cattle dogs one 13 and the 2 . I Googled products to help with fly bite as my older one is getting attacked quite badly , i came across a product called " Beyer Advantix" . So after buying it and applying as directed on the weekend everything was fine until 4.30am today when my young dog Tillie was frothing at the mouth, running around barking and running into the fence and falling over . It was so distressing , she became aggressive and we couldnt get near her. Eventually she settled enough to get her to a nearby emergency vet.
She is still there undergoing tests and we dont have a prognosis :(
Trying to think of anything that could harm her i googled the reviews on "Advantix" and was shocked at the huge amount of dogs have severe seizures as a result of the toxins in this crap!

And not all the dogs recovered , i feel so terrible trying to do the right thing but in doing so have harmed my beloved little buddy.
I know it may only happen to some dogs but please chose carefully before treating your animals. Id hate anyone to feel as sad as me at the moment.
That's is shocking Gary, I hope your dogs get better soon, companies that sell or manufacture this kind of stuff should be held financially responsible
Our dog had a flea/tick injection last gave us no warning about side effects...within 20mins her face swelled terribly. I also read the drug info....very scarey side amounts to poisening our animals, and hoping for the best.
Thanks for the heads up Garyo, the fleas and ticks are really bad up here in Qld at the moment as well.
I hope ya mate gets better soon.

I know how ya feel mate, we just discovered in late 2014 that one of our dogs has full blown epilepsy and is on three different types of medication twice a day. Its not nice to see your belovered pets having a seizure, before we got on top of it with the meds she used to be in and out of fits for 2 - 3 days in a row poor bugger.
I know there are so many country people here at PA and im sure they would encounter tick problems , so i felt i should let people know.
I havnt heard back from the Vet , it is a Specialist Referral Hospital that has the best of everything so im praying for a good outcome . I dont like my chances but i will do my best to follow up all expenses with Beyer . They need to explain the adverse reactions thoroughly.
Thanks for sharing and caring GaryO.
Hope it works out for you and your special friend.
Cheers Steve
We use Bravecto, which takes care of ticks and fleas for 3 mths. Have used it for 6 mths. now and he loves it as well as no side effects-he is a Cocker Spaniel.
Jaros :p
G'day mate sorry to hear about the pooches. Don't if it's relevant to you but if the active ingredient was ivermectin, which is very common, it's most likely your culprit. Any dog with collie genes are vulnerable to toxicity from ivermectin.
Hope it may help ya
My old girl gets eaten by ticks in the tropics- long haired foxy x German Coolie, but her pup- short haired, xed again with a heeler doesn't get a oner. She must have got her genes from a throwback I think.
Pharmacos and chemical cos are fine examples of corporate capitalisms poisonous irresonsibility and lack of accountability. These are the puppeteers of our government bods. Last night on the news- Monsantos "Roundup" aka glyphosate has been upgraded to "chance"of causing cancer by the WHO. You cannot believe anything these murderous so-and-sos' say whatsoever. They are causing catastrophic and irreversible damage to the planet and the human genome for a few quick bucks to buy limos and mansions, and bribes to pollies to allow their poisons to harm us all.

Steam is better than glyphosate for weed control, or wood vinegar(google it), or salt and vinegar for direct application- but, hey no money in that for the big boys is there?

Malathion, pyrethrum-probably even arsenical dip- is a safer tick control method than the poisons the fat ticks at the top are shoving down our gullets. There are no doubt natural food additives that can safely limit the attraction of ticks to dogs as well- I know there are plants eaten by the Amazon locals to stop mozzies biting.

-sorry for the rant-but corporate pandering should be a capital offence in my opinion.
spikegold said:
Ahhh Tim, so is that how you grew the second head. It's all so clear now hehe :lol:
Yeah spike- but at least if I was a polly under my governance laws I would get 2 chances. :) :eek:
Well Tillie is home now , very confused and dazed but ALIVE . I rang Bayer on their emergency line to report the issue , after describing the symptoms and particularly the best method to remove it from her . before he even gave me those details he was asking prepared questions like name phone number and vet , product batch number , etc . The guy on the phone representing Bayer for ALL their Human and Pet products knew 100 % about the product and potential side affects and stated similiar episodes have been reported ! IT WASNT A FIRST . I gave him the vets details and ill go from there , although the original Vet thought symptoms would appear earlier than 24 hrs the the Vet releasing my dog thought otherwise as the product slowly enters the fat cells over a few days.

I will keep you all posted , but my advice ... i would apply only a half dose and check for side affects OR NOT AT ALL. :cool:

PS . i read their enclosed PDS AGAIN and there was NO mention of this side affect nor the appropriate means of treating or removing the stuff .

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