Native dog creek closed ?

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Nov 17, 2019
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Hi guys ( oops offence brigade will be on to me )

Hi people

All these years never tried native dog creek , went down there last weekend , signs up every where saying no fossicking bush regeneration !

Did I miss the right spot ? Was at end of maybe dog road !

On the plus , went to porters to finally strike it off the to do list , not expecting much , as has been there 5 years ago !
Only did 5 pans , only a speck of gold or two , kept the last of each pan to pan at home and save time .

Got home and my son and I started spotting scores of clear stones . Got zircons, smoky zircons , a tiny ruby and 3 smal sapphires . Wasnt even looking for them . Hate to think what was in the classifier I threw out !

Cheers everyone

There were two Native Dog Creeks from memory not that far away from each other as the big crow fly`s.
Was there with a mate & his father panning around 1973 & did really well on gems & small gold.
Not shore now which dog creek it was.
Some resident there used to come out blasting a shot gun to deter visitor prospectors from pilfering his acclaimed stash.
Liquorish all sorts as you say.
The other is near Oberon NSW & a well known fossicking area.
"Native Dog Creek.Two access points from State Forest Roads. Drive in at Riverview Forest road left side of road after Foleys Creek road, Drive in a short way, old mine shaft for Gold. Travel on to where you meet up with Beaconsfield road, turn right travel 1/2 km then turn left and follow the road to Native Dog Creek. Find: Gold, Zircons & Sapphires."

The public access points are in Essington State Forest so you obviously need a permit.
The State Forests NSW website & maps aren't showing any current restrictions or closures for Essington but it's always best to double check with them if you see signage up.
Bathurst would be the closest office P: 6331 2044
I was out that way today but didn't get into Essington - travelling thru. Did you get any info on it?
I've sent an enquiry but nothing back as yet. Will reply here again once I hear anything.
(Still nothing on their ArcGIS map or website about it?)
They're a pretty good mob to deal with really.
Hopefully it's not to do with this:
Not that there's anything wrong with protecting frogs but the booroolong seems to like fossicking areas :(
Yep that looks like it ! Getting rid of us by stealth ! Just like the greyhound industry ! Dog stone said at last years agm that we will be left with nothing soon if we dont stand up for ourselves !
Eureka moment ! Ha
On response to asking if the Native Dog Creek fossicking area is now closed in Essington State Forest I received the following:
FCNSW said:
This is correct but it is to protect threatened species habitat that the fossicking is damaging.

This area should be listed on your fossicking permit as a no go zone too.

It is only a recent exclusion so if you have a 12 month permit, it was probably issued prior to the change.

Ive asked the GIS people to update the system again.

Apologies for any inconvenience.
It seems the booroolong frog has been found in Essington as well as Nundle.
Funny that this threatened frog has been found in 2 x fossicking areas but the greenies claim it's the fossicking that is damaging their habitat. :/
The lack of rain not flushing the river streams would have something to do with it natural toxic build up ect.
mbasko said:
On response to asking if the Native Dog Creek fossicking area is now closed in Essington State Forest I received the following:
FCNSW said:
This is correct but it is to protect threatened species habitat that the fossicking is damaging.

This area should be listed on your fossicking permit as a no go zone too.

It is only a recent exclusion so if you have a 12 month permit, it was probably issued prior to the change.

Ive asked the GIS people to update the system again.

Apologies for any inconvenience.
It seems the booroolong frog has been found in Essington as well as Nundle.
Funny that this threatened frog has been found in 2 x fossicking areas but the greenies claim it's the fossicking that is damaging their habitat. :/

Maybe these Environmental Scientific Case Studier`s should be at the acclaimed sites when it`s raining and at night to estimate their frog counts before imposing such legislation's.
From personal experience I don`t see or hear frogs for months until the rain comes along.
They bury themselves in mud holes until that occurs.
Some times I`d say such and such just need to justify their employment by introducing their terms.
mbasko said:
On response to asking if the Native Dog Creek fossicking area is now closed in Essington State Forest I received the following:
FCNSW said:
This is correct but it is to protect threatened species habitat that the fossicking is damaging.

This area should be listed on your fossicking permit as a no go zone too.

It is only a recent exclusion so if you have a 12 month permit, it was probably issued prior to the change.

Ive asked the GIS people to update the system again.

Apologies for any inconvenience.
It seems the booroolong frog has been found in Essington as well as Nundle.
Funny that this threatened frog has been found in 2 x fossicking areas but the greenies claim it's the fossicking that is damaging their habitat. :/

Ironic yes... :8
My guess is the frog numbers have thinned out because the stealthy greenies have been catching them and placing them in fossicking areas ! Next will be sapphire bend , porters and
Vulcan state forest
It would seem the report was based more towards the feasibility study than a head count. :playful:
& They forgot that frogs can breath under water. :perfect:
Well thats another one gone ! We cant stop this stuff . Greenies have infiltrated government departments ! Get in while you can
Hi Guys, I'm not surprised they closed the Native dog creek to fossicking. I'm local to that creek and i also DID get down there for a scratch.
What i saw people doing down there is why the govt will close one place after another...& it's got NOTHING to do with any GREENS.
I've seen dredging down there, Highbanking then they left the big hole and mess. Big deep holes dug in the middle of the creek, nothing done to soften that blow to the creek bed.
People shit where they want, leave plastic & glass and all the rest they couldn't bother to take home.
I'm 67 and I've been at this for a few years so know what people can do down there.
People don't give a rats about much but what they can get out of the trip, themselves, and screw the rest.
Now don't read me wrong, most decent people do do the right thing, but a lot are screwing things up for the rest.
Govt has to wear some blame for conditions around all the forests we get around. WEEDS I've seen a whole mountainsides of blackberry.
I also think it wouldn't hurt for rangers to police these areas now and then seeing people will not do the right thing, is this is what it's got to??
This is what gets me !
Instead of policing , to catch the grubs , we all have to pay . Im sure the fines issued would pay for the rangers salary ! I saw this at Oallen a few weeks back . Some young blokes camping next to the river , and bottles and rubbish strewn everywhere . I took a risk confronting them. They were all drinking , and I coulda copped a bashing , but I told them this place will be closed down because of that , and then where would we go ?

Surprisingly they cleaned it up , but plenty others out there !

Fortunately my new tact , of kayaking up rivers , is keeping me away from all that !

And paying off nicely !

I wont say where , or youll all be there ! Ha

Stunned by Forestry's comment of "Apologies for any inconvenience"

Really, inconvenience!! It just wipes out any sapphire or zircon sieving in the forest.

Makes them sound like the Vogon Constructor Fleet in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Interesting thing is there is no mention of fossicking causing a problem in any of the articles in local papers.

see page 19 of the National plan
The effefts of the plan seem to also include farming water use and forestry.

In NSW it is a 10 year plan

Sorry got wound up :/

Used to sieve a Native Dog donkeys years ago, a pleasant lazy spot that always looked good. Noticed the frogs and other wild life and kept clear of them.

Noticed the frogs and other wild life and kept clear of them. Could certainy hear the frogs at night while you tried to sleep.

Only been back once for a look since the high bankers hit the area (on line videos attracted too many diggers) and the area was opened again after logging finished.

Now highbankers are banned state wide affects of fossicking are greatly reduced.

Did not stay or walkabout long as brown snakes were getting active.

Sad to see another area lost. From reading the reports it will not be the last :(