Missing Prospectors & Other Persons Victoria

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Very Odd, For those of us who dont spend every spare moment updating our friends with our latest selfies on faceache could some kind soul copy the relavent details of his last known movements and his intended destination/s. Oh and his shirt shop, the man has great taste in flannel shirts. :) and post them here. I do hope he hasnt fallen in a hole or something. :|
I couldn't find the original thread about those older campers missing in Victoria.

A few more details have been published. It looks more complicated than first thought.

"The Herald Sun spoke with Mr Hills wife, Robyn, 71. She said she was shocked to learn her husband was away with another woman.

I thought he was going alone, I cant believe it, she told the newspaper.

Ive got a feeling they may have died.

This is made very odd for the simple reason the wife of the bloke didn't know they were together and thought he was on his own. If their found alive it would be impossible to believe anything either of them say if their found deceased it might be too late to find details of critical evidence. Until more information and details come to light it will puzzle people and cause all sorts of untruths to be told/assumed.

I really feel for family members who would be at their wits end with worry, anxiety and frustration after learning of their plight.

Edit: turns out the Hill family did have known Carol Clay for quite some time. I had heard reports to the contrary.
Maybe his wife followed them, bumped them off and .. nah she's 71, no way she got rid of two bodies by herself.. she had help
Elijah said:
Maybe his wife followed them, bumped them off and .. nah she's 71, no way she got rid of two bodies by herself.. she had help

Hu Nose

finding them is first line of enquiry then you can speculate based on the big words.
Finders may need a crowbar to prise those two apart before they bring them in for a rest questioning.
Perhaps they just lost track of time..... can only hope for relief to everyone concerned :eek:
CreviceSucker said:
Gilly47 said:
I love scullerous rumour and innuendo. sure beats real life

It was the aliens what dun it . I know hundred percent coz sulphide told me so and he is on the intranet so its troo

Well in that case they probably won't be able to sit down for a week as well !