M.A.D.E. closure

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mark johnston
Dec 20, 2013
Reaction score
I have just heard that the Ballarat council have unfunded the MUSEUM OF AUSTRALIAN DEMOCRACY AT EUREKA as such they will have to close. This will mean the original eureka flag will have to find a new home hopefully at the gold museum. They will only be open for about another month so anyone travelling through Ballarat may want to drop in to view this iconic piece of Australian history.
What a crock of s^$$t
Bloomin heck that makes a mockery of the lives lost in that battle.
Those blokes would be rolling over in their graves.
What is wrong with this country ?

F.G.Sake there is a MP in Victoria atm that wants to change the state flag to the Eureka flag...make sense of that now. It was in the news either yesterday or the day before I can't think of his name.
Someone needs to tell him about that !

The Council arent thinking. Tourism lost as well
Don't beat about the bush 'wishfull' tell us what you really think :) , I totally agree with you though. I may have to take 'bendigo' on tour with me.
:N: that's no good. Ballarat rate payers should start a rebellion and not pay their rates. Bloody bureaucrats and bean counters with their self worth attitudes destroying what should be preserved as a testament to the democracy they are privileged to work in and live by.
Museums arnt there to make big money. Part of our heritage. And should be basically there for all to see.
Only people with number crunching dollar veiw would even suggest the idea of closing such.
And in a hundred years, it will be even more an icon!
Disgraceful. :N:
Am. I missing something, yes the council have unfunded the Made, in the past they funded it and it was controlled by a seperate non council management team.
Now it wholly controlled and funded by the council. No mention of it closing in the press release as I read it, happy to be told otherwise if I'm wrong.
Well thanks to Manpa I'll renounce post #5 and give credit to M.A.D.E and the Ballarat council. For their efforts in preserving the significance of such an important part of our heritage that makes us who we are today.

M.A.D.E isn't closing quite the opposite it's to change hands from a dedicated group of people who we all should all thank and passing operational control to the council. :Y: :N: :Y: but if the council do anything I've started in post #5 I'll reinstate it :Y:.
After reading post #6 I have gone back to re-read my email from today. as some of you may know I have an item on loan to MADE , the email from the collections manager clearly states that as the council has unfunded the museum it will close in a month or so and if I want they can try to arrange a continuation of my loan agreement with the gold museum if that's what I want. So, we shall see what happens, I personally would hope the council will keep it operational even if they have one less exhibit. If that proves to be the case I apologise to council for casting aspertions upon them. Good to see the sentiments of other members though, cheers Mark.
markgoldhunter said:
After reading post #6 I have gone back to re-read my email from today. as some of you may know I have an item on loan to MADE , the email from the collections manager clearly states that as the council has unfunded the museum it will close in a month or so and if I want they can try to arrange a continuation of my loan agreement with the gold museum if that's what I want. So, we shall see what happens, I personally would hope the council will keep it operational even if they have one less exhibit. If that proves to be the case I apologise to council for casting aspertions upon them. Good to see the sentiments of other members though, cheers Mark.

Well now I am confused, I'll check it out on the net and might call them.