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Feb 19, 2013
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Hi all,
I was wondering if anybody frequenting Durakai State forest in the vicinity between the road in and the puddling tank and back north, south and south east (up to about 0.8km in each direction), has found a piece of equipment I lost on the 2nd June 2020.

The equipment is a Steelphase enhancer SP01, has some velcro strip on the back.
I have the serial number, Please PM me.
if you think you may have found it please pm me, it would be very greatly appreciated.
I have been back and retraced my steps via GPS and was unable to locate it, having not found any gold lately it is becoming an expensive exercise looking for it.

I am hoping someone has found it or may know someone who has found it.
Please contact me if you have.
Thank you all.
Maybe retrace your steps in reverse so you can see it tucked in close to a log you stepped over or still hanging in some brush you pushed through at the height it would have been strapped at (not all lost things end up on the ground and can be overlooked just because we don't realise the entirety of the circumstances as they happened)
Anyway.... sleep on it or ponder it over a coffee and reflection first.
Maybe you might even detect it ;) ;)
Hope this helps. :coffee:
Thanks Silver,
I have done all that, in the process I lost a scoop hung on my belt twice, found it twice, once hung up in a shrub I pushed past.
I was pretty sure I would find it, but alas no.

I just hope if someone did pick it up they are honourable enough to hand it in or contact me.
Might even be a small reward.
It wouldn't have been so bad if I had found some gold. I washed a few pans when I went back and didn't find a speck on bedrock,
Usually I find a couple of specks panning.
Read this and had no idea what one was. Thanks to Mr Google we can see what it is.
Will need to try Monday,
Kinda busy trying to restart my business which went from hero to zero in a month due to Coronavirus like a lot of other business people.

Funny thing, I went down to Durikai to have a day off when the restrictions were lifted and lost my enhancer.
I got a bit down, I came home, went straight to bed, no gold no Phasetech enhancer! almost went and sold all my detecting gear the next day.

Been too busy to give that loss too much thought, just so disappointed, that enhancer was a great little asset, you could select from several options and audio levels, so customising and optimising the signal was simple, something the detector manufacturers should have addressed years ago.

I'll make time on Monday to ring Warwick police.
I was hoping for an excuse to go back, but too tied up at present.
I'm sure someone picked it up. I went back on Tuesday, double checked my GPS track and nothing. nothing handed in to police.
Checked my car, gear bags many times.
If anyone has it i would like it back.
Good idea Just starting, but I have found people like that don't usually unload gear in their own neighbourhood. If it has been moved on is could be anywhere from Inglewood to the Gold Coast and south of the boarder.
Take a couple of mates back with you and see if 3 sets of eyes might spot it. It may well still be there. I once lost a usb stick that came off my keyring in the forest and i went back over my tracks and found it 6 weeks` later. More ass than class ,but i got lucky.