Looking for a fossicking mentor

Prospecting Australia

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Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
Perth, WA
Hey guys,

I've always had a keen interest in gemstones, crystals and minerals so I took it up as a study in university...
It didn't turn out to be what I had expected...
Now I'm looking to "work" for a fossickor who is willing to show me the ropes, the lifestyle, the whole kit and kaboodle.
(By 'work' I mean I'm after work experience not money per se)
If any one is interested in helping a young and enthusiastic student out, hit me up and I'll provide more details.

Take care everyone,
- Shanni
DeckyDan said:
Hi there, what area are you in?

Yep, just make sure you put some safety measures in place before you go off into the scrub with people you've never met. Whether they're on this forum or not. Shite, i sound like i'm nagging my daughters. :lol: :lol:
The first hand experience is great and is something money probably couldnt buy. But if there was ever wage type money in finding gems, then all the areas were worked over long ago. Was going to do gemology years ago, but it didn't end up that way - long story.

Past time: yes. Profession: no.

9-5 is the reality
I'd second oldhavadig's advice. Track down a lapidary club, most of them have field trips, and it is a good way to get out bush with a group who know what they are doing and will look after you.

These folks are based in Riverdale, which may or may not be convenient to you. In my experience most of these groups are very friendly and welcoming, and very willing to share their knowledge.

Okay thanks guys,

TerraAustralis, thanks for clarifying that fossicking wouldn't go down too good as a 'career' option.

Just having troubles deciding what I realllyy want to do with myself in the future -.-

Can anyone help me there? What job is associated with this industry, but not teaching it (lecturer etc.)?? :eek:
I am the same shani remember There is no perfect way to Just learn and learn anything until you find the passion that built on top of the truth then it the only way you will become powerful in anything you do.
And there has been some successful prospector still alive and they are probably out prospecting at this time i believe. :) but i hope you will meet one your self maybe not on here but if you keep looking you will find.
Anyway welcome to the australia prospecting forum!
Geology goes down well and keeps you knowledgable with prospecting, minerals and gemstones by learning strata, timestamps and earth forces.
As your in Perth, there's many mining opportunities available through the right mob.
You can't make enough money from fossicking but you may find an income mixing fossicking with other hobbies like crafts, furniture or jewellery, selling online.
Core drilling, fossil collecting ( whatever that proffesion name is where they excavative large dinosaur ), cartographer, demolishonist, natural stone healing, study of water pockets within crystals in search of micro-organisms millions of years old..is this sort of along the lines..?

As everyone else mentioned, a lapidary club will certainly help or a fossicking / prospecting club
Hi Shanni,

I had a friend who became a geologist's assistant. They were working in the remote areas of WA. They used to get helicoptered in to a place for around 10 days.

The geologist's used to look for places to test drill. From what my friend described it was hard work. Lots of equipment to set up for the camp. Lots of flies and high temperatures to endure. Plus she was the only female on those geology scouts - dig your own toilet. She was a bit of a tomboy.
So I'd think about the conditions you want to experience.

Would you prefer to be in air conditioned offices or out with the flies and heat on the ground?

I'd also start scanning the job ads in the postcode/district you want to work and see if any job in particular jumps out at you. It's a great way to help you decide what your preferences are. Also, do you want to stay close to family and friends, or are you wanting to spread your wings and explore the country?

Lots to consider.

Would be interested to hear how you go and what you choose.

Best of luck, :)

I had almost forgot about this post even though it was not so long ago. I pretty much accepted that there is no earning to be done as a full-time fossicker and had already started to look for a job as a geologists assistant, or work in the lab as an analyser (assistant) or similar.

P.S I always think everything through (family, hardship, conditions, murders etc.) So don't y'all worry about dat :)
P.P.S Thanks for the replies and enthusiasm to help :)
I've been thinking rather hard and I've found there are opputunities for full time income when you start to involve things like selling finds in bulk, tourists etc.. learn enough and you can take tourists on gem hunts or just sell gems to them. Hard work will be needed prior to any adventure like this to make sure you have a constant supply of product. For example a gold or gem mine. Just throwing out ideas even if they are not the best