Look at these Rocks and give me some Geo advice

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Mar 22, 2014
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I found some crushed and semi crushed piles of dirt in the Murchison, I was waiting to get my sieve for next week when I go back and take some more samples.

Below are what a lot of the rocks in the pile look like, i crushed half do one of the smaller ones in the dolly pot and got one colour in the pan but shit it was hard work that why I want to sift it first to get a few good buckets to put through the sluice and then pan the concentrate.

Do people think there would be much gold in it? The geology of the rocks changes in the pile there is a lot of green (assuming copper) and a lot of dirty quartz, some granite grey and some brown and black streaks. A mate of mine has a rock crusher



Hey pj just wondering if you had dollied up some of those rocks in the photos and if so any colour. You would think there would be something in it as someone in the past has gone to a bit of effort
Hunting the yellow said:
the black is slate arm the red is iron oxidases pyrite and the shiny copper stuff looks like arsenopyrite mineral
Thanks HTY, arsenopyrite was the word I couldn't remember. Came across this outcrop with pretty colours not sure of its full content as this area is not gold bearing country.
no probs m8 handy to know this stuff when your 60meters under the ground in a old mine and want to find gold in the quartz still left down there these are just some of the minerals associated with gold and gold deposits