Living with Electric Vehicles

Prospecting Australia

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Diginit said:
I can comfortably do a 1700 K drive in under 24 hours, stopping to piss and fuel up and a power nap if required. Soooooooooo if one has two, three or more charging stops one is going to most likely need to hire a room for at least one night one would assume? There goes the economical electric trip ? This is without adding all other factors like a break down? How far away would the nearest repairer be? Quite frankly, thoughts of electric vehicle transportation being practical in any country that has vast uninhabited areas such as Australia, travel outside city areas in the near future is literally pissin in the wind. {)

Isn't that what they said about the new fangled T-Model Ford? I'll stick with my horse and cart cos I can always get grass from the roadside and I can carry heaps more :)

Agree with the "near future" comment but change is inevitable.

As an example, currently purchasing diesel around $1.75 and average 15L/100km, towing fuel cost will be $446, now if fuel jumps to say $5/L in the next couple of years then the fuel cost becomes $1275. A $5/L cost is not out of the realms of possibility when OPEC really put the squeeze on us :/
Continuous improvements in newer energy storage technologies should reduce the recharge time/cost and increase the run time/distance as well.
No argument here, charge time is more the issue for myself as it just makes it impractical on a long trip, even more so than running distance. Have a mate who is a skipper of a major players oil rig. If the aussie pop knew how many wells we have already drilled but are capped around Oz there would be a mutiny. Maybe if we kept the crude we export meaning less we would have to buy back would be a good start perhaps :eek:
This might slow down the delivery of your new electric vehicle.


Imagine the potential danger of all those high voltage implants corrupted by excess heat :argh: and then add a spray of water to extinguish the fire :fire: :skull:
saau said:
G'Day Condor

Is this EV in Adel. ? I think so, but wasn't mentioned

condor22 said:
The battery is stuffed and she can't sell the car without replacing it and they are not cheap.

Yep. the BAT packs are the most costly part of the EV, which make and model is it ? Didn't get that info either :)

condor22 said:
be prepared to write it off when it's time to replace it.

I have some experience recycling EV BATs and it depends on what happened to the packs.

When I catch up with him again I'll ask for more info, if he has it and if I remember to, lol..... It was just part of a passing conversation.

At my age, I am hoping EVs are not something I need to worry about unless or until I might need a Scooter lol.
Redfin said:
Charging stations, from what I can gather at the end of 2020. Orange is three phase.

But they are not "ultra-rapid" chargers. Although the governemnt says that more than 400 "rapid" chargers are being rolled out, "As a loose guide, the chargers will provide 32km of range every seven minutes. That compares with 32km of range every minute for a more powerful 350kW charger that is referred to as an ultra-rapid charger".

32 km every 7 minutes!!!! - 274 km in more than an hour of charging!
Diginit said:
I can comfortably do a 1700 K drive in under 24 hours, stopping to piss and fuel up and a power nap if required. Soooooooooo if one has two, three or more charging stops one is going to most likely need to hire a room for at least one night one would assume? There goes the economical electric trip ? This is without adding all other factors like a break down? How far away would the nearest repairer be? Quite frankly, thoughts of electric vehicle transportation being practical in any country that has vast uninhabited areas such as Australia, travel outside city areas in the near future is literally pissin in the wind. {)

I just got back home but while I was away I topped up the Diesel in the Van and It took just under 14L and I averaged 63.992mpg which is close to 4.4L /100ks, The readout on the Dash tells lie's so I did the maths Vs Litres Vs Miles Travelled, Thats pretty good for a Town/Highway combined cycle. :inlove:
OZ is on the very bleeding edge of all this tech. eg. BrisVegas company Tritium is a Gr8 example ->

In the next decade we will have digital BATs and that will change everything, these BATs are not going to need to be re-charged like current Lith. Ion. or ...

We are currently testing a 'hacked' as in Soft. & Hard. hacked torch that was originally designed to use 3 x AAA & we are using 1 x Tesla Model X - 2170 and the longest a torch has gone so far is 5+ years and it is still very bright and will not need a recharge for a few years and it is used ever day, but only for short period 5-10 mins at a time, not left on for hours.

The boss wants to offer a life time warranty and that would mean she is mad because a 2170 should go thru. 2K cycles MTBF and at 5 years that is a 10,000 year warranty for a $75 torch !!!

In the future portable power will mean your EV will be portable BATs for the house, probably charged at work if it needs to be.
Redfin said:
I can envisage a battery exchange, swap n go type, in the future.

That's the thought processes when talking heavy vehicles, no charge station would be suitable given the volume of heavy vehicles. No doubt the volume of heavy vehicles will increase in time to suit the needs of things. Until they can competently build a battery pack and charger to supply and receive full charge in 10 minutes it's the only plausible way to allow for EHV to be financially viable.
About a week or so ago a Porche E vehicle was used as the lead vehicle for a bicycle event of about 260km and the Porche had a stated range of well over 400km, so all should be sweet. BUT the bicycle event was in mountains and by the time it got to the finish on the top of one of the mountains I was advised by a passenger that it had only 20% capacity left. Oh, and no suitable recharge point was available, so a special mod needed to be made to a power outlet to allow a recharge so it could get back down off the mountain.
Imagine xmas and easter holidays where one could imagine at least 1 million family's driving of on a holiday. Are we going to have 1miillion charge stations ready for when they all do their 2 or 300km and need charging ?
Even the pacific highway alone , the backlog of thousands of people all lined up waiting to use one would be ridiculous.
Imagine xmas and easter holidays where one could imagine at least 1 million family's driving of on a holiday. Are we going to have 1miillion charge stations ready for when they all do their 2 or 300km and need charging ?
Even the pacific highway alone , the backlog of thousands of people all lined up waiting to use one would be ridiculous.
Over here they have huge big servo's on the motorways every so often with up to 30 or 40 of them charge stations and there are thousands of them across the country, Even so I still don't want to be trying to use one when it's -10 or -15*c outside or in a blizzard and then the rain,

One of the latest issues with EV's is in an accident no one can touch the car until it has discharged it's self and gone in to safe mode, Touch it beforehand and it will blow you off your feet or worse, All the Breakdown companies are having to be specially trained to learn how to deal with them, These vehicles are not safe when they have been in an accident where innocent bystanders who have gone to help have been seriously hurt.