I'm glad the Soccer Is Over.

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Sep 4, 2014
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Of what should of been and enjoyable event turned out to be a **** fight of a Night with me having to move people on out of the gardens where I live, The Pub next door hired a Transit Trayback Truck with what looked like 9 wide screen TV's making up one big huge TV, The overflow from the pub and passersby invaded the street and roof tops using the Gardens as Toilets which are the areas where Local Children Play.

I walked out the Backdoor to be greeted by some young White lady baring her All, so I turned away and here and her friend Apologized and left so I went hack indoors only to be disturbed again when dozens of men and women from various desents dicided to use my garden as a Toilet so I asked them to leave and I was called Racist to which I replied how about I use your Garden as a Toilet would that be ok ?? of which they preceeded to Drop their Draws and do what needed to be done Not Once but Multiple times So I ended up standing Guard for 3 and a half hours sending poeple off the property, Missing the match altogether.

These Womem from all ages Have very little respect for others leased of all for them selves where are quite prepared to drop their draws while arguing the point that it's Ok to Pi$$ in other people property, and then arguing about what it has to do with me giving me the third degree as if I am the one in the wrong,,,, Go Figure.

At one point the place was being over run with me ejecting 50 to 60 people an hour, At this point I call the police and they said they would send someone round which never happened so I called them again and they said they are on their way, They Never turned up, and then once everyone had buggered off 3 and a half hours later at 2 minutes to 1am in the morning the police rang asking if I still need the police to attend of which I remind ed them that I called 3 and a 1/2 hours ago and I have delt with it my self and then she asked about the racist comments and I told her it was pointless because the ones calling me racist have left the area, The reason I was called racist was because I ask a young Anglo African woman not to use my garden as a toilet to which she replied " I bet if it was a White Girl you wouldn't be telling them to Go" to which I replied "P" is "P" and it's going to stink the place up no matter who does it,

2 things I have learned from this and they are just because a person might wear womens cloths does not make them a lady and the next time the police need help look the other way because this is the 4th time there has been problem in the street from things like what happend tonight or Murder 30m from my front door.

Some poor Bugga is going to have to clean the street and it ain't gunna be Me, It looks like someone has Blown Up a Garbo Truck. I wouldn't mind but there are 8 Huge Steel Bins on Wheels right where they made all this mess,

The down side is I have seen more ????? than what will be in the Next 12 month editions of Playboy Magazine, Some things can't be unseen,

:cool: :cool: :cool: Anyone got a seeing eye dog I can get the loan of,, I have been flashed so much I think I have got Arc Eye :cool: :cool: :cool:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
nucopia said:
Maybe you should suggest to the pub management that the next time they bring in a truck with multiple tvs they bring in a truck load of portable toilets like they use on job sites and out door venues..
either that or next time borrow a couple of big dogs from some one to put in your yard ..

Great Idea, I'm gunna go and see him in the morning and get him to send his staff to clean up the street, You can't drive out there because of the amount of broken glass everywhere,

We all get taken short from time to time but there are toilets in the pub, Some how I have even aquired 3 dark wood garden chairs too,

I've been around the world but I have never seen women behave like that, LOLOLOL One woman even Squarted in front of one of my CCTV Cameras until her mate told her, :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
aussiefarmer said:
Need to put the sprinklers on, on nights like that, I can tell by your typing that you are holding back from letting yourself say exactly how you feel...

Apart from the low moral outlook of these people and the lack of respect even for them selves is one thing but then they have the nerve to call me racist because I don't want them Peeing and Crapping in my Garden, regardless of the colour of someones skin or if they are human or animal body waste still stinks and I have to clean it up, So it is only natural that I am not impressed,

Then there is the response from the police that were too busy watching the bloody football/Soccer them selves, who never did turn up as promised and then deside to call me back at 1am (00:58) in the morning 3 and a half hours after the first call and long after these animal left the sceen.

I can't even drive my Van unless I want to go and buy a Yard broom big enough to sweep the whole street because of the hundreds of broken bottles lying in the road, the place is a bloody mess and I am not fit enough to go and sweep 1200sqm or more of road pushing a broom large enough to get the job done,

Your right I am holding back and my neighbours are wonderful people from all around the globe and their children have to play outside in that mess, So to say I am a little P'd off is a bit of an understatement, These kids call me by my name and come rushing over every time they see me and I think they deserve better than what these older so called older piers have done to their home and play area.

EDIT:- I just went outside and checked and there are at leased 500 small nitrous oxide canisters laying in the road as well as about 6 400mm tall industrial refilable Nitrous Oxide bottles laying on the grass, and toilet paper etc.
Ridge Runner said:
then they have the nerve to call me racist because I don't want them Peeing and Crapping in my Garden

Post of the year. Reading this has made my day.

On the plus side, get your detector out and start scanning the area, might be a profitable couple of hours.

:) :) :)

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