Prospecting Australia

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Do you ever find sometimes the harder you try to get something done the less likely it is going to happen, some time back I had the brain storm to modify my Sovereign Gt to run on a li ion type battery as I found that the stock batteries would always be flat when I wanted to use the detector, as mostly I would suddenly decide that I had an opportunity to get in some coin detecting, and then find the batteries were not charged so either wouldn't go or decide to go at another time which for one reason or another would not happen.

Anyway long story short I decided that the li ion batteries would be the go as they would stay charged longer than the standard batteries and I could just grab them and go when I wanted to, anyway I decided on some 12v 3000ah batteries that are common on ebay, blue casing type in all different capacities, I decided on the 3000 ah one due to the size of it and that it would be more than enough for a days detecting and so on, and I made a pouch that fitted on to the side of the arm rest and the battery just plugged in to a socket that I wired in and mounted to the front of the control box, easy peasy right.

Initially I bought two batteries and it worked really well, before I got the opportunity to go out for a detect and as I had just used it briefly here and there for testing and in the back yard, some time later I discovered that one of the batteries crapped itself without warning, by this time I had them for awhile and just though no issue I would just order another one, simple solution right?

And this is where the drama began, and this is what I discovered, and made a complaint to fleabay to no avail of course, I ordered one which was the same but a bit more expensive than the originals ones that I bought from a seller in Hong Kong I think?, as it was from supposedly a seller based in Australia and I thought no worries I should get it in a week or so, as the weeks went by and still no battery I complained to the seller who said that they did not know where it was ???wtf, anyway I asked them to send another one as I wanted it asap, they came back to me and said that they checked their stock and the batteries they had were faulty so they would just refund me the money which they did but this was some three of four weeks after I ordered it, but on checking I discovered that the rats were still adverting them for sale and reckoned they were based in Australia, but of course they were just drop shippers and the things were still being sent from an overseas supplier. :poop:

Ok then went on to round two, ordered another one from a supposed Australian supplier, messaged them and asked, are you based in Australia and where is your stock, the answer was Australia to both questions, so gullible me orders another battery, and bugger me dead the exact same scenario unfolds, the weeks go by and still no fiipping battery shows up, the seller has no idea where it is and wont send me another but refunds the money wtf is going on with these clowns I am thinking and am now extremely pissed wit it all, , so heres what it is, it seems there are a bunch of sellers operating on fleabay in Australia that it seems are all probably the same person or group, and judging from my experience with them they are making money and not actually sending the items to the buyers, they stretch out the time until its unlikely the buyer will be able to get a refund as fleabay will not take quick enough action against them, I made a complaint and got a negative and totally unhelpful response from them, then they had the gaul to ask for feedback on how did we do (bet they dont ask me that again) :argh:

Anyway round three, as I still really wanted a battery as I have modified the detector right, so like a lamb to the slaughter I again troll fleabay and decide maybe I should just again order it from an overseas seller with a good feedback rating of course, this ones in Honkers so should be here in a couple of weeks max, anyway waiting , waiting, waiting, and still waiting, more than three weeks almost four, have a tracking number but it says its been sent but not where it is now???, wtf not again, you have to be kidding right what is going on?, maybe it will have a happy ending :argh: but right now I am not convinced.

Anyway the moral of the story avoid buying from these sellers if you can and just save yourself some money and grief, fleabay has no interest in protecting you from these sorts of clowns and could not care less as long as they get there percentage, how do you say up yours in mandarin anyone know?


if you want that type of batteries use oz bunch called MODEL FLIGHT they have everything you need and post out in a few days ebay is a waste of time and money the stuff on there is rubbish cheap and nasty
Seem to be a common but simple money laundering scheme to me, have purchased quote a number of zero stock or damaged in transport excuse items and been refunded a couple of times with immediate offers of refund. Money in one account, refund from another.

I get greater than 1:10 success rate from cheap-bits ebayers and have parked my initial pissedoffness and replaced it with gowiththeflowness. If I need something urgently, I pay up to three times more from a high volume Australian based seller.
I would probably be thinking that it was still on the way as a 12 volt 3000 ah battery would be pretty darn big and heavy. I wouldn't want to carry that around all day. Maybe you should of tried getting a 12 v 3000 mah battery instead.


You probably need something like these:


They are assembled in Australia & sold through Australian dealers using quality cells + protection circuit modules.
You pay more but easy to sort warranty issues etc. if needed & may even be available local to you.
I've played around with making my own battery packs etc. for awhile & paying more upfront for quality can often mean less in the longer term.

Edit: I'm assuming you mean 3000mAh not 3000Ah.

An online supplier: https://www.batteriesdirect.com.au/mobile/shop/product/27361/licb-18650-4s1p-hc-f.html
Wally69 said:
If I need something urgently, I pay up to three times more from a high volume Australian based seller.

I always buy local where I can look the supplier in the eye. It may cost more but have peace of mind and know what I'm getting.
I feel your pain Stayyerau. I think the scammers run until their rating gets to about 97% and then simply open a new account and repeat. I've been fortunate in that I've always had the items delivered ... eventually! But sometimes the quality isn't even worth the few cents it's cost. I've usually ordered from local suppliers that guarantee delivery within 3-4 days and for the most part it's been OK.
I wanted some AA batteries to run my SLR camera, had some for about 10 years, but they were only holding time and date by this time, when I took a picture I got the low battery indicator, so I looked and found some at 3000 m/ah 12 for $12.00 including freight, thought what the heck, nothing but $12.00 to loose, They arrived and were duly charged and fitted and lasted 4 days, old one were lasting up to 4 months depending on use. Have since got some 2900 m/ah for about 3 times the price and they seem good. Other crappy ones get used for testing or other short term use. Try to now buy in Australia only, but try to find a "Business Name" or 100% rating.

Have never found any rechargeable NIMH batt that lives up to it's name apart from Eneloop. Even then I always buy 1 or 2 more than I need coz most don't last.
I'll vouch for Eneloop but they do cost more.
Jaros, I think that they were the original ones I had, they were used in one GPS unit for the car, the camera and a Garrett infinium which took 8, now just need for camera and GPS. This time got some Lightnincell and they are lasting up to 2 months in camera, so happy with that at present.

I'll second the Eneloops! Very little discharge. I have about 30 - 40 of them and keep them in sets of 4 for my speedlights and have had them for about 6 -7 years without any failure.
I ordered some batteries from a Hong Kong seller Uxcell from memory ,after 2 weeks they sent me a refund , they said they had discovered the batteries they were going to send had been found to be defective and they wouldnt sell any more until quality replacements had been found , does that sound like the same seller ?

Thanks for the responses, yes I meant 3000 mAh, :p like I said I bought this particular battery because of its capacity and also its size so it could be easily fitted into a pouch, I originally thought that I might get something that I could fit inside the original battery compartment, I didn,t want to change the detector too much so that if I sold the detector or if need be I could revert easily back to the original battery, I have made several other battery conversions and run my sdc2300 on a li ion regulated battery set up that I made prior to the li ion 18650 batteries being used, also made tubes to run it on those as well, I disassembled non working li ion battery packs that I had to get the good cells out for further use as they are good quality panasonic rechargeable ones and I use those also in my torches and such, the problem with the 18650 ones is that they are 3.7v each 3 is not enough and four might have been too much so I just decided to stick with a 12v output battery to be on the safe side.

My point was that that in the beginning it all seemed so simple and straight forward, as I have bought many batteries and items from all over the world over the years, and I am not a fleabay virgin with well over a thousand transactions, and its not always about buying cheap its about being able to find what you exactly you need and even though sometimes delivery was slow and I realised that as well, I would try and source its elsewhere if I wanted it more quickly, but the rats have even destroyed that by making false claims that they are Australian sellers and have the stock here in Australia, thats what has pissed me off is that fleabay are not taking action against them doing that but have chit canned me and put my account on hold in the past for very minor infraction like unwittingly posting an item for sale in the wrong category, they pulled all my listings and put my account on hold for a few days, there seems to be different laws for different sellers, and apart from that what I have also noticed more recently is that they are manipulating peoples listings as well, for instance if you list an item and it does not sell it will automatically re list and also whether you want it to or not it will offer the buyer a "make and offer" option, so of course then you get a flurry of half price offers so if you are a decent seller you waste your time responding to them rather than ignoring them which also makes you look bad, they also have now introduced an option of lowering the price you want by percentage each time its listed, its an option now but will probably just happen like the make an offer option eventually, but I have noted that they are not lowering what they charge on final value fees, and they are also now also charging final value fees on the postage, so before you decide to sell you have to do the sums to see what you have to list it for to get the price you want and to make sure you are charging enough for postage, some buyers are thinking that the sellers are being greedy but many don't realise that they are being hit with 10% of fees on the final price of the item and postage as well, and if the buyer pays by paypal which is unavoidable as you have to let them, the seller also gets charged fees for that as well, around 3%, I would bet that many one off sellers are really shocked and disappointed when they see what price they end up with and realise what fees they have been charged, especially for higher value items like metal detectors and nuggets etc,

Anyway I guess thee option is to either use it or not, but really there are few other good options available, many sellers from stores like jaycar are selling the very same items from overseas sellers in china and so on for three times the price as you can buy online, as mentioned the upside of that is you can get it straight away if they stock it and if you want you can take it back if its crap, using other online sales sites can be a nightmare so sometimes people would rather pay the price than deal with some of the ferals that anonymously plague other sites.


I guess the reason that they are charging a fee on postage might be because some shonkies were selling items at a fraction of their value but charging exorbitant postage fees, often resulting in the total price being way above everybody else's. It would be easy to get sucked in by just looking at the unit price and not taking note of the cost of the postage. Fleabay don't want to miss out on their cut of the sale but obviously don't care about the buyer being duped.
You could try BangGood as I personally have had more success than eBay although I have not purchased batteries specifically. What I like about BG is that they allow reviews and I stick to items with 300+ reviews with 5/5 stars.

Anolphart said:
I guess the reason that they are charging a fee on postage might be because some shonkies were selling items at a fraction of their value but charging exorbitant postage fees, often resulting in the total price being way above everybody else's. It would be easy to get sucked in by just looking at the unit price and not taking note of the cost of the postage. Fleabay don't want to miss out on their cut of the sale but obviously don't care about the buyer being duped.


Yes exactly you hit the nail right on the head there and I would assume thats why it was changed, when they realised that they were missing out on their final value fees, but heres the thing, due to the rats in the system now honest people are being screwed instead, if they are charging the correct price for the postage as many don't realise that the final value fee applies to the postage now.

Funny how the honest people always end up paying for the a..holes isnt it?


eLuke455 said:
You could try BangGood as I personally have had more success than eBay although I have not purchased batteries specifically. What I like about BG is that they allow reviews and I stick to items with 300+ reviews with 5/5 stars.


G'day Luke

Well bugger me I must be getting old?, I just thought BangGood was an asian porn site so I have been avoiding it O:) , thats one of the issues with bumtree its anonymous and you cant chit can the a..holes, but I have found a way to block them from bothering me in the future so if they waste my time I just block them from sending me stupid messages, has worked a treat so far.

Thanks for that

cheers :beer:
