How to apply for a claim?

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Aug 29, 2021
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G'day all, wondered if anyone had a link to or could provide a simple guide on how a claim is made for a mining site whether Crown or private land? I've heard about pegging a claim but never applied for one here before? Appreciated.
I had a small opal lease in Q'land . It took 6 months to get and cost about $600 . I also had to put up a $2,000 bond which was hard to get back when I finished .
Thanks @Mike678. Didn't know about the bond but the fee is fine.. I'll likely start with some annual permits and stake out anything I find of interest
The bond is to make sure you put everything back and leave no rubbish . I had to get the cocky to sign off on it , that it was back to his satisfaction.
A small scale gold miners lease in QLD will set you back at least $20,000.

You will need to fill in all the forms and make sure that you have dotted every 'i' and crossed every 't'.
If your pegs don't close, they will send you back again and again until they do.
Pay the non refundable application fee.
Advertise in a major local paper and a National paper asking for objections.
Put an objection notice on your Datum post and wait.
You will also need to provide technical assurance.
You will also need to provide Financial assurance.
You will have to be deemed a 'suitable person'.
You will need to gain and pay for an 'Environmental Authority'.
You will need to extinguish any Native title, and pay the relevant compensation.
You will need a Cultural Heritage inspection. (About $12,000 last I heard???)
You will need to decide on your access and pay compensation to the Land owner for that access.
You will need to make sure that there are no 100+ year old gazetted roads that aren't there, but will ruin your day.
You will need to pay rent to the LGA and also Rates. (even though they will never pick up your bin.)
Last but more than likely not least, a fire levy, in case there is the normal annual fires, and the firies can watch it burn from the internet.

It's a right royal PITA and getting harder to comply every year.
After trying to deny it for many years, I now really do believe that the Department/Government want small miners out.
Simmo said:
A small scale gold miners lease in QLD will set you back at least $20,000.

You will need to fill in all the forms and make sure that you have dotted every 'i' and crossed every 't'.
If your pegs don't close, they will send you back again and again until they do.
Pay the non refundable application fee.
Advertise in a major local paper and a National paper asking for objections.
Put an objection notice on your Datum post and wait.
You will also need to provide technical assurance.
You will also need to provide Financial assurance.
You will have to be deemed a 'suitable person'.
You will need to gain and pay for an 'Environmental Authority'.
You will need to extinguish any Native title, and pay the relevant compensation.
You will need a Cultural Heritage inspection. (About $12,000 last I heard???)
You will need to decide on your access and pay compensation to the Land owner for that access.
You will need to make sure that there are no 100+ year old gazetted roads that aren't there, but will ruin your day.
You will need to pay rent to the LGA and also Rates. (even though they will never pick up your bin.)
Last but more than likely not least, a fire levy, in case there is the normal annual fires, and the firies can watch it burn from the internet.

It's a right royal PITA and getting harder to comply every year.
After trying to deny it for many years, I now really do believe that the Department/Government want small miners out.
Is that for gold mate?
20xwater said:
Simmo said:
A small scale gold miners lease in QLD will set you back at least $20,000.

You will need to fill in all the forms and make sure that you have dotted every 'i' and crossed every 't'.
If your pegs don't close, they will send you back again and again until they do.
Pay the non refundable application fee.
Advertise in a major local paper and a National paper asking for objections.
Put an objection notice on your Datum post and wait.
You will also need to provide technical assurance.
You will also need to provide Financial assurance.
You will have to be deemed a 'suitable person'.
You will need to gain and pay for an 'Environmental Authority'.
You will need to extinguish any Native title, and pay the relevant compensation.
You will need a Cultural Heritage inspection. (About $12,000 last I heard???)
You will need to decide on your access and pay compensation to the Land owner for that access.
You will need to make sure that there are no 100+ year old gazetted roads that aren't there, but will ruin your day.
You will need to pay rent to the LGA and also Rates. (even though they will never pick up your bin.)
Last but more than likely not least, a fire levy, in case there is the normal annual fires, and the firies can watch it burn from the internet.

It's a right royal PITA and getting harder to comply every year.
After trying to deny it for many years, I now really do believe that the Department/Government want small miners out.
Is that for gold mate?

Well, my experience for gold yes.

I haven't tried petrolium yet and still not allowed to go for uranium up here!!