Hi Im a newbie

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Sep 9, 2020
Reaction score
Hi all
Im in WA currently hanging around Mt Magnet and Sandstone, met a lovely lady here who has been showing me some ropes. Been out every day twice a day for a week and found a bullet, a bolt and heaps of tin and lead shrapnel but no beginners luck gold yet. Gold is in my blood, I started panning in NSW when I was about 10 and Ive still got dads old pan it hasnt had much use the last few years. Then my uncle decided to hang up his detector, so I bought it off him had a quick lesson and here I am flying solo. Anyway if anyone wants a newbie tagging along Id appreciate the guidance. And please dont hold it against me I went to school with Madtuna! :pickshovel: :goldpan: :goldnugget:
Lucky you survived as most people end up in he's freezer :lol: :lol: :lol:


Goody :D
Rockhunter62 said:
Welcome to the addiction Tina. Madtuna is over Laverton way.



Thanks Doug I am still at it a week after trying and not finding anything yellow.... I always thought I had an addictive personality. :p :drooling: :lol: :lol: