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Feb 22, 2014
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Thought i would get active on this great forum, been just reading the great wealth of knowledge here for awhile.
My father and i have been into the gold for awhile but have recently started to enjoy the gemstone side of things aswell, found some really beautiful spots and settings but not much in the way of gems yet lol.
Anyways thanks for all the knowledge all here have made available, hopefully once i learn enough, i too will be able to contribute.
Hi Rod.
Welcome to Prospecting Australia. You have come to the right place to learn about prospecting.
Looking forward to reading some of your adventures.
Good luck


Welcome aboard,

Keep at it mate plenty of gems out there to be found mate. Look forward to some pic's of your finds in the Gem section ;)


Hi every one iam terry from central coast my time started after been taken for my first pan a number of years ago my wife told me I had gold fever then maybe she was right , my spark was rekindled after seeing wal n lis high banker found my self hunting the parts looking forward to a adventure with the banker thanks for the great site. cheers terry
You have a lot to answer for WalnLiz, u started a bloody gold rush, your just the latest Rod, best of luck, know u will be successful, Scrubby52
Hi all and thanks for the warm welcome
lol scrubby, dad and i have been at it awhile(gold) but have just got back into it, especialy the gem side of things, thanks to all here and yes especialy walnliz. Alot of old prospecting fire is being re-kindled thanks to folks like yall and sites like this, aswell as alot of new younger folk, including my kids :)
Much respect and thanks all