
Prospecting Australia

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Feb 20, 2013
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Hi fellow members
I was guided to your site by a friend Shirvan. I am a member of a couple of other sites & a lot of you will probably know me from there.
My hubby Bob & I are passionate gold fossickers & have been all our married life. Bob started fossicking as a child in the early 50's with his grandfather Dolph in the Bathurst area. We live in Goulburn so do most of our fossicking at Oallen & Tuena. We have also done a lot in the Trunkey Creek area over the years. The gold is getting harder to find but we still enjoy the chase just as much & are able to get out more often now that we have retired. We spend the winter months at Lighting Ridge where we have had a camp for 35 odd years.
Hope to see you in the field some time soon.
ranma :)
Welcome aboard Franma.
Looking forward to hearing about your outings & finds.
Hi Franma :)
welcome and Bob of course

Good to meet you last weekend :)
Hi Franma welcome to prospecting australia forum hope you get some good info here and hopefully we will see some posts from you and even some finds also be intested in seeing some pictures of opal when and if you have time cheers Terry