Granite Q.

Prospecting Australia

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Nov 2, 2014
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I understand when granite has gold within , its from secondary enrichment ,pressure/heat etc . And mineralised reefs that have formed above the granite are from waters seeping through the granite ,is this during the time that the granite is forming or after ,and I take it that this is a continuing process of renewel ?. There are quartz seems within granite formations in areas where gold is present, Harcourt / nth East vic etc ,can you get higher levels or enrichment within these structures.
From my experience the amount of gold recovered from granite hosted quartz reefs is not worth recovering. However......there are gold mines along contact metamorphic zones that have carried quite significant gold reserves. In some cases the granite has intruded up through sedimentary beds, and other times the sediments have been laid down over granite. The geology and geomorphology changes from region to region.