Grabben Gullen 8-10 of June

Prospecting Australia

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Dec 17, 2012
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Hi Everyone,

I just wished to thank everyone that made my weekend possible and fill you in on how we went.

It wouldnt have been possible without advice from Wal, (Wal I was the bloke upstream yesterday in the high Vis, I wanted to thank you personally but you moved on before I had a chance. thank you very much).

Also a big thanks to Colin and Fae? Showing me the technic and what I was looking for was amazing and without your instruction we would have found didly also the hints on the location further up was great.

Also you have to fo give me I am terrible with names the Gent in the wadders from Sydney with his wife thanks for the laugh and showing us the big stuff we were after. We are still to clean out the concentrate from our high banker I am just a little excited by the prospect of what is in there.

Any way the results from my less than reliable scale you see in the picture 5 sapphires totalling 9 crt the biggest I am calling the good bye kiss in Polish(Dowidzenia buzi) was found whilst walking out to go home weighed in at 4.5crt and was found in a foot print of the person that walked before me. Whilst it is not massive by any extent I am rather excited by it has been the first time we have actually come home from prospecting with a good result. We hope to make it back again one day might be a regular Queens birthday trip. The weather was great except for Monday.

Saw a peacock as well for the first time in the wild, Arent peacock associated with sapphires? Sign we were destined to find one???

Anyway thanks again to everyone for the advice on the weekend we had a great time and we found what we wanted

P.s Whats up with the cat seems to be domesticated and friendly. Anyone in the area should look at taking her one to save the native life around and two to give her a good home. She climbed in the car to but 2 cats at home and 8 hour drive wasnt going to be on the cards for her.

Great looking stones mate, any chance of a few close ups?

It sounds like a fantastic weekend and it's great that you were able to harness the knowledge and experience of some our most respected members.

Glad you got a few Newby, Sorry we couldn't hang around long mate, But had to move Chris' caravan away from those noisy dogs. Their barking kept them awake all night. If ever you go up again send me a PM and if I'm free I'll be able to spend a lot more time with your group.

Cheers Wal.
G'day Newbie,

Don't mention it mate, that's what it's all about, great to see you got some stones on your first trip ;). As Wal said drop me a PM if your up this way again, I'm no expert but more than willing to show you what I know. The cat belongs to the owner of all the dogs it was coming home with use until we found that out :rolleyes: . Did the gent in the waders get any good stones?? ;)


Cheers guys I will do.. I don't blame it Col if you were a cat would you want to get away from that lot.. Ill get a couple better photos nugget and get them up in the next couple days..
I don't want to talk out of school but rumor had it that a 100crt stone was plucked out in the last month or so. I know it wasn't me ;)
Nice finds. You have to love it when you get finds. Pretty lucky finding that one in the foot print, somebody probably dropped it lol. Im guessing you were camped near people with dogs, got me buggered how people who own dogs can put up with them barking all the time. all dogs bark but gee make be quiet.

Have you started on your concentrates yet ?
Glad to hear you guys had a good time. :) Sorry I could not make it :( but my boys had their soccer gala day and could not miss that. They did well. :D
Cheers Dozer
Be good to catch up Dozer.

Lee and I are out that way a fair bit so drop us a line if your heading that way


:D Nice rocks mate hoping to meet up at 1 of these spots soon .
still got more to do on walbanker yet.chasing a metal folder/welder.

cheers Steve
Nice going guys :) sorry to have missed you, had to study and still managed to fail.(my mind was designing walbanker during the exams I think)

Dozer :D hooked on sapphires at least you don't need a detector mate. Getting colder and wet over here.
Hi Joe, Maybe we should tell Nugget to get rain gear in aswell lol :p :p