GPZ7000 Price Drop

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So they should. Owned one for months, found gold, tested it against others as well as 5000,s found the 5 to be better, sold it, got another 5 which I reretted selling the first one, put an Evo coil on it, went back over the ground id used the 7 on and found gold. Multiple bits. Been living and detecting for about 30 yrs in central vic and reckon the 7 is the biggest con since the , Proscan/Proscam. Though the Midas comes close. :mad: ps 7 is worth..............$2000 and not a penny more.
I reckon what they should do Is make a light weight version doesn't have aer the unnecessary bells and whistles of the gpz 7000 that has the same performance but with the same weight of the gpx5000

mmm yeah I'm pretty happy I didn't get on the GPZ bandwagon. Good to hear there's a price drop ahead. Considering a GPX 4500+SDC 2300 can be had for 8 grand and offer the performance of the GPZ with far greater versatility It'd have to be a fair price drop to become appealing.
Versatility? The GPZ can all but cover or better the performance of the SDC thru to the GPX all with one machine & one coil. So it should too! People that have issues using it are invariably 20+ year detectorists stuck in their ways & unwilling to follow the advised or recommended procedures. I'm only a GPZ novice but already know that it's different to use/operate, more powerful but I already have it humming away sweetly. Gold is only a matter of time in the field now.
If you think it's too heavy use the supplied bungy set up or harden up :lol:

I haven't heard of a price drop but with cooler weather & Easter coming something could be on the cards? A lot would be happy to see the mooted 20" coil.

I bet this bloke wishes he got a SDC/GPX combo.

P.s mine didn't cost $10.7k & I'm happy so far. Might change in a few months? We'll see what happens 8)
Mbasko I couldnt agree more. I have gone over ground that has been thrashed with a 5000 and found gold. Most people who havent had success with a GPZ are those who apply the same techniques they use with a GPX. It has taken me over 6 mths to just start to get to grips with the GPZ.
I can easily match a SDC with some of the gold I have found in thrashed ground. For example the gold below was found in a morning in very heavily worked ground (the following week I pulled another 10 bits from the same ground. My mate with his 5000 could only find one):

I'm with you here Mbasko, the GPZ7000 is a fantastic machine, you would not get mine off me with a D9 dozer, eleven months on and we are getting on very well together and learning something new on most trips even after several hundred hours of use.
As you mentioned you have to divorce yourself from the GPX series, the 5000 in my case and make a fresh start with the 7000. I feel a tad sorry for those who got off to a rough start with the 7 for what ever reason/s and parted company with a now well proven machine.
For me, the 7000 has made a huge difference to my finds in terms of the type of gold located and the country from which it came.
I keep my finds separate in terms of location and the machine they were found with, the gold in the 7000 group is for the most part rough and reefy,while the 5000 collection is almost totally water worn and it all came from the one area, the 7000 gold coming off country that had been very well worked over by myself and others with 5000s and 4500s.
Just some random thoughts.
Cheers, SinHof.
Glad you guys like them. Perhaps all the bad press does come from those that haven't put in the hours. I wouldn't say the GPZ having one coil makes it more versatile. Quite the contrary actually. A plethora of coils is available for the GPX. DD,AI,MONO. Round,Eliptical and now much more sensitive Evoultion coils. I can get into nooks and crannies the GPZ won't or connect up the trash can lid and cover more ground than with a GPZ. I wouldn't say the GPZ won't find nuggets the GPX has missed but I'm willing to bet there's situations in which the GPX will outshine the GPZ. When coil options become a reality for the GPZ in the future it will certainly be a step closer to offering the versatility of a GPX. For someone searching for new undiscovered gold patches in the outback I'll keep the GPX. The weight of the GPZ may not be an issue for an old plodderer who detects where he parks. For someone who lugs a 10kg backpack with detecting gear,water,food,first aid 5-10k's into remote terrain to detect from dawn to dusk it's a different story. Wouldn't the SDC just come in handy there! I guess I should have stated that for my intended purpose the GPZ does not provide near the versatility of a GPX/SDC combo for the money.
At the end of the day they're all great machines & whatever you choose you shouldn't be disappointed.
They could all be considered versatile for different reasons. Just because you can change the coil doesn't exclude versatility as an asset in the others. To my way of thinking being versatile enough to handle a variety of situations without need for add-ons or hardware changes is a good point in machines like the SDC or GPZ too - something worth definite consideration when lugging gear long distances. But everyone is different.
I hope when I'm 86 I can still manage to get out & about let alone just plod along close to my vehicle!
If there is a price drop I reckon it would be for a limited time special or package deal like Minelab have done in the past.
Yea I have heard people getting great results with the GPZ 7000. But I think gpz and gpx 5000 or 4500 is a killer combo.

Hi to all...

Been a while since I've been guilty of lurking around here, fever must be relapsing...

IMHO... All 3 afore said machines are excellent in their own ways.
I have one of each, (4500, 5000 and a GPZ), found gold with the GPZ that the 5000 couldn't hear, found Gold with the 5000 that the GPZ missed, and found gold with the 4500 that the 5000 couldn't hear?

I have just tricked up the 5000 with one of Woodies mods, so am itching for the sun to b------r off so I can get out and give it a shot.

I am interested to know if any of the GPZ owners out there notice any difference in the GPZ with the new software?

I don't think Minelab would lower the price just yet. If Gold keeps creeping up, they'll have demand.

The way Minelab seem to do there pricing is they might have a special for a month to get someone off the fence but, $2, way.
When gold goes up 200+ that would shot them in the foot.
If sales are slowing...wait it out. I keep hearing of a rush somewhere in Afica and they send a bunch of cheaper models. If true...GPZ will be on there way soon.