Gold box arrived

Prospecting Australia

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Jan 12, 2014
Reaction score
Ordered this via facebook the other week, and it turned up today.

Thought Id do a quick review that members might find helpful.

Ordered a 20x display pod with blue insert, Red wood finish, and solid top instead of glass, which cost a little extra. Got it for $120 delivered. Asked for the lid top to remain raw as appears to be the case.
Item was shipped July 2nd so not bad. Transit box was well packed.

Maybe a bit more bubble wrap needed but it only had a short journey from Metro Vic to regional Vic.

First thing to look at was the lid. Looks good, nice and solid, and a little grain showing.

On the inside the hinges are nicely recessed, and contact points have metal infills which is a nice practical touch.

Display pods are very firmly held in place, and the insert is adhered to the bottom of the box. When display pod is removed it reveals the grain underneath.


Very happy with the result, if the hinges hold its a nice piece and I think it was money well spent.

Only thing left is to fill it up.

Beautiful display boxes :perfect: was fortunate enough to be given 2 as a gift back in May.

Unfortunately haven't found any bits to put in them yet most likely won't for the next 6 weeks at least. This lady has offered a 60 piece display case for either Laanecoorie Gold Bash or the Gold Expo from memory. I'm with you on the blue colour OldGT definitely a better contrast imo.
Got a few in there, but still some blank spots. Wanted to see what it was like before buying another, after looking over it Ill be sure to get the larger one for all the random pieces from elsewhere (GT, Beechworth, Bendigo, NSW, etc).

Keeping this one for just the specfic areas in the local goldfeild, Im sure Ill get all the recognised areas eventually.

The Speci I got panning a couple years ago looks mint in there, as would nice chunky nuggets Im sure.

Put labels in the bottom under the containers to ensure their proper location is recorded and remembered. Just cut out little cardboard circles with a note until later, when I reckon I might label the workings on the underside of the lid in correlation with the display pods, and with a little compass symbol to represent them geographically.
Rather than cut cardboard circle pieces you could price a roll of sticky circles, the ones on a roll in a box that way everything is uniform just a thought.