Gold article worth reading .

Prospecting Australia

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Wow!...A frightening prospect indeed.Especially for those of us who depend on the financial system to deliver us an income...yet it would seem the ramifications of such a world-wide collapse in the financial system would effect ...EVERYBODY!...Not near enough of us is in a position to transition from paper money to gold reserves...what to do?...I had a feeling, many years ago that the system was somehow wrong and that all this talk of a global economy and economic rationalisation was going to rear up one day and consume us all...I perish the thought of how this will all play-out...for me and my sons, daughter and our grandchildren.
Um, it says his company sells gold to the wealthy. I'm thinking it's in his interest to put the frighteners on to play on the alledged urgency and play on the fomo. Also he says he can say with certainty that the wealthy have less than 0.5% of their wealth in gold and hence they stand to lose 75 to 90% of their wealth, but there is no mention of how they know this to be fact, it's just an opinion. I'm not debating that the nightmare story won't or can't happen, just saying it's a convenient line for those in the business to lash about. Cheers Chewy. :D
Thats my point though, it might be flawed but the hamster wheel must keep turning. Its either all on or all off i dont see a middle ground.

If the lights go out we will all have more issues than "What is the value of my current gold?"

But in case they are right im still working toward keeping and improving land, and a sharpening of basic hunting/fishing/survival skills. Just my 2c.
Outback said:
savage bitter said:
just more doom and gloom rot again just another article to put worry into to your minds

Normally I wound't bother quoting any of your reply's but as you keep following my posts & your chosen name is so appropriate , I'll give you another chance to do your thing :playful:


This has already started in Australia .
obviously no one can have an opinion if its not of your opinion shows a lot good luck with your doom and gloom posts and by the way as you so called predicted gold isn't worth ten times as much see a doctor get help :Y:
Thanks for the try SB , you have been here for about 6 months and have posted Stuff All except crap .
Go away or get your act together & start contributing :zzz:

PS see that S after member , get it !
I am contributing I think you are a fool on a fools trip with no idea you talk a lot of crap and read and post the same you post articles which are old and out dated you tell people that gold prices are going to go up 10 folds and woptedo about the s your problem is you belive the rot that people write and also your own rubbish
Sheeze you goose if you think contributing is About bagging my posts , come up with something original .

As for my gold predictions ' they will become true :eek:

Mods , thanks for letting this fun exchange continue , will be entertaining for sure :)
Which ever camp you choose to be in, blue sky or doomster, one still has to ask who would leave there money in banks if interest rates are moving close to zero or into negative like Japan at the moment at 0.10%. People will move there money out which the banks would hate. No wonder world banks like in Sweden are pushing hard to introduce a cashless system where they would have control.