Gold and hints to help you find it !

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user 22230

Gavin of Garfield
Dec 7, 2021
Reaction score
Well first hint is that you need to be allowed to walk on the ground that contains it. :rolleyes: So perhaps conduct yourself in a way that will have you welcomed back one could say is a pretty good first step? 👍
In a typical day of "going to town" as in today I'll give you an example of what I and obviously many other locals noticed / observed. People parked up on the side of the road and just jumping the boundary fences to properties and prospecting, scores of caravans gathering like a wagon train ring just of the road but on a station owners property. ( his back yard is not a designated "free camping" area) Not giving way when facing a give way sign on a causeway, or pulling over and letting traffic passed because you / they care to do 10K an hour on the dirt.. How are we going ? Not bad considering we haven't even got to town yet. :rolleyes: So now we are in town, don't fill your car then go and do your camp grocery shopping leaving your car blocking the bowser. Don't park and block others in whilst you eat ya pie and then also when politely asked to move tell the person who kindly asked that you won't be long. :rolleyes: Give people some social distancing as firstly it's the law and secondly understand that you have probably had contact with more people in the last week than a local your standing breathing down the neck of has in the past year. He doesn't want ya covid 🤣 Now that was just today and you can have a laugh and also think it's a joke, but I will simply say that I can guarantee the bloke your probably upsetting with your actions is quite possibly an owner of the land you wish to walk upon ? If he's not then you could bet your first born that he knows the guy that does own it. :oops:
So people one could only suggest a bit more effort along with a drastic change of attitude needs to be made or there is going to be a lot more complaining about losing land to detect on ....................... it's your call 👍
Diginit, SL probably wants to avoid the town like the plague. No reflection on his attitude, I hope.

I can add another one. Last week I was driving home between Tarnagulla and Newbridge when the car coming the other way flashed his lights at me. I kept an eye out and watched the wallaby standing on the side of the road with caution. About another kilometre down the road there were 2 dead roos in the middle of my lane.

It was nice of him to bring the hazard to my attention but it would have been even nicer to MOVE THE BLOODY THINGS. He must have been in a hurry. I pulled over and moved them off the road because it is bloody dangerous. This is the second time I have had to do this. At least the other time it was at about 6:30 A.M.

There is no accounting for the stupidity of some people, especially when it comes to detecting on other people's property. Gold seems to make the brain a bit fuzzy.

Regards Axtyr.
Diginit, SL probably wants to avoid the town like the plague. No reflection on his attitude, I hope.

I can add another one. Last week I was driving home between Tarnagulla and Newbridge when the car coming the other way flashed his lights at me. I kept an eye out and watched the wallaby standing on the side of the road with caution. About another kilometre down the road there were 2 dead roos in the middle of my lane.

It was nice of him to bring the hazard to my attention but it would have been even nicer to MOVE THE BLOODY THINGS. He must have been in a hurry. I pulled over and moved them off the road because it is bloody dangerous. This is the second time I have had to do this. At least the other time it was at about 6:30 A.M.

There is no accounting for the stupidity of some people, especially when it comes to detecting on other people's property. Gold seems to make the brain a bit fuzzy.

Regards Axtyr.
Yeah could add that to the list along with the many that do not even slow down to cows grazing on the side of the road. One step is all it takes for the cow to create a collision and probably end the trip car wise. Then you have the loss of the value of the beast to the station owner ........................ another make ya happy moment :rolleyes:
Diginit, SL probably wants to avoid the town like the plague. No reflection on his attitude, I hope.

I can add another one. Last week I was driving home between Tarnagulla and Newbridge when the car coming the other way flashed his lights at me. I kept an eye out and watched the wallaby standing on the side of the road with caution. About another kilometre down the road there were 2 dead roos in the middle of my lane.

It was nice of him to bring the hazard to my attention but it would have been even nicer to MOVE THE BLOODY THINGS. He must have been in a hurry. I pulled over and moved them off the road because it is bloody dangerous. This is the second time I have had to do this. At least the other time it was at about 6:30 A.M.
There is no accounting for the stupidity of some people, especially when it comes to detecting on other people's property. Gold seems to make the brain a bit fuzzy.

Regards Axtyr.
It,s not called a 'Gold Rush' for nothing.
I just wish we could turn the clocks back to a time when everyone cared about each others rights, personal space and possessions. Courtesy was in-built as was common sense and a helping hand when needed.
I can hear the crowds roar, “ ya can’t live in the past Mackka!”but I do and that suits me just fine. Onya Diginit, keep the faith.
Yes mate, happening all too frequently these days and you have to feel sorry for families trying to do the right thing by their kids in getting them out in the fresh air and playing in the dirt.
I just wish we could turn the clocks back to a time when everyone cared about each others rights, personal space and possessions. Courtesy was in-built as was common sense and a helping hand when needed.
I can hear the crowds roar, “ ya can’t live in the past Mackka!”but I do and that suits me just fine. Onya Diginit, keep the faith.

Not wrong there Mackka. I'm pushing my "fossil years" and almost 70 now. Spent since the age of 7 chasing Gold, Gems and Fish, and built up some lifelong friendships with Farmers, Lease holders and even the odd politician :oops:. I guess I could say that access to private locations is not of any concern to me these days, as the years I have left will not be spent on general access spots.

Trying to get access to locations is dwindling faster than one can keep up with, and as said above is mostly, "not always" an attitude problem by a few who spoil it for the many.😢 We need "change" and Forums such as this and similar social media pages, need to educate the "Newcomers" to this hobby. It's the newcomers who will eventually be the beneficiary, together with their kids and grandkids, so education can't be stressed enough when discussions arise on the "what we can do" to change some of the negativity we now find ourselves faced with.

Common sense and common decency is the best way to move forward, but unfortunately self importance and to a degree "Greed", has in many cases fogged the minds of a few.. There is still a lot of Gold, Gems and treasures out there to be found, but if one can't get access then it will be a matter of getting little Johnny a set of golf clubs for xmas, instead of a gold pan, detector or sluice, as at least he will always have a golf course to play on.
funny you say that about courtesy makka, my loco offsider this year is a young fellow of 22 years ,he asked me how old i was and i told him i am 60 and his response had me falling out of the drivers seat with shock, his words were

i wish i was born in your generation ,you had common courtesy, manners ,respect for your elders and always helped someone in need , even if you went short yourselves for a few days ,NOT like the self entitled, over opinionated, selfish, bad mannered pricks that is my generation and the sad part of it is that my generations children are going to be worse than mine how can we fix it

well mackka i am still speechless ,what a level headed young bloke he is and his work ethic says to me he means the words he said ,so maybe all is not lost just yet, we can only hope