Finds for a Ship of fools!

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Ship of fools

Mat. T
Mar 4, 2018
Reaction score
Mackay, QLD
Just thought I would keep a record of my finds of interest.
Have probably spent around 40 hours hunting since getting the AT max, a lot of that in hot ground (gold bearing, Mt Britton and Grasstree beach)and trash rich ground (now gone beach huts).
The first find for me that got me excited is my latest a 1947 Florin.
There is also a brooch or lapel pin that reads Lodge Pioneer Mackay 680 attendance 1977
A Pandora earring flower of silver with a small diamond that I broke the shaft off trying to straighten.
Some relics, large steel square nails, a few silica bronze nails, about a kilo of lead ( Ill recycle this into sinkers).
A little cheap jewellery (just check out those black pearls caged in gold!) and mountain of scrap metals
And some bullets shells and slugs that I find disturbing where Im finding them.



Anyway I hope you enjoy :)
Well found Sof.....
:Y: :cool: :Y:
I once drove up Mt Britton in an old ford sedan. Going up was alright.... but me n Mrs S were just about standing up inside the car on the way back down ,... wasn't till the next morning in Sarina that the brakes failed as we were coming up to the traffick lights(glad someone invented handbrakes).... was just glad they never let go on the way down Mt Britton. :Y:
Smoky Bandit, yes it is and Im very happy, its gone on Sharlenes finger and doesnt look like coming off!
Thanks Silver.
Im in Bowen tonight and I dont think the beaches have been worked at all. I could barely swing in any direction without a signal but I forgot to pack a digger!? The beach is full of coral and my bear hands are a bit soft.

Matt T
Sof..... there are crocks there mate, that's why there's been no one before you. :eek:
We swam there near the boat ramp round to the north before we were told about the crocks.... crystal clear crock water lol. 8)
Thanks Silver, I try not to get complacent of Crocs! Also the many other elements that wish to see me harmed.
The photo isnt as good as Id like, I think the bullet is complete, should I try and pull it apart? ( another item trying to harm me)
The two pieces at the right of the picture were fairly deep and most be old but have no sign of corrosion or or growth, not aluminium a bit thick for foil.
Matt T

I got excited when I first pulled out this ring but the corrosion and the weight were telling me not gold, when I was trying to clean the crud of in my fingers it snapped in three places! I think brass.
I thought I should leave the hot rocks for all to see.
The penny is 1911, I really have no idea of what to look for in coins ( except for silver and maybe gold).
There is an odd copper item that looks like clock works?
The leave item is cast alloy and also falling apart in my fingers.
I seem to have left out a $2, 10 cents, 2x 5 cents and 1 cent.
Matt T
Ya gettin there Sof.... if ya walked over gold ya woulda found it mate. :D
And don't pull bullets apart, just hand em into the cop shop for safer disposal.
I used to pull the heads off 22 shells with my teeth as a kid to get the gun powder to play with.... never killed me but ooo-aaah hey ! :eek:

I changed coils today went for the big 14x9 razorback, after 2.5 to 3 hours I was feeling it and the tide was coming in on me.
The lure was a floater left on the high tide line, the wire was found high the beach before I got to the gutter.
Only 2 hot rocks this morning but 4 pieces of big deep iron that were bloody hard to get out. I didnt put them in the photo.
A knife to go with yesterdays fork, sixty cents in spendable coin and 1cent.
I know there is a bit more in this gutter but Ill have a look about for another.
Yeah Silver, we never did dumb things when we were young!
I never had access to bullets and the like but my mate did, we had pulled a few shot gun shells 303, and 308 for powder we had a thing about rockets at the time? One day during a science class (we were so much smarter than everyone else we didnt have to listen) we were pulling apart some 22s and my mate had pulled out the powder and was scratching at the bottom of the shell and the cap went off!
It sorta went woosh and took out his eye brows and fringe,there we were trying to be inconspicuous with the strong smell of burnt hair and the teacher politely asking what in the world are we doing!
Yeah we both are pretty lucky to have all our fingers toes and lives now, theres another tale of of a flamethrower made from a fire extinguisher but Ill leave that one.
Matt T
I used to cut the plastic bit off the shotgun cartridge and fit the primer end over the bolt in an A frame at school.... I could be 150 metres away when that thing finished teetering and finally hit the floor with an almighty bang.......... ]:D

Back in Bowen tonight, tide chased me up the beach so I was working the high tide line, but at least I have a shovel this time!
Lots of aluminium so I started just digging softer signals (with the TDI) everything was at least 350mm deep and hard digging in the broken corals but thats where I got the coins and sinkers.