Emergency + Plus App

Prospecting Australia

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I think you's are missing the point of the app?
It will work anywhere for coordinates but you still need phone service to make a call. It doesn't replace an EPIRB/PLB.
All it really does is give your coordinates once the app is opened on the screen of your phone so you can easily relay that info to the relevant emergency service or 000 by phone call if required. I read somewhere earlier this week that a very high percentage of emergency callers cannot relay accurate location information to the emergency call centre which greatly delays arrival times.
You do need to activate location services to get your location - that's a given. You can however have location services turned off still until such time as you may need to get your coordinates - the app will direct you to settings to turn it on when/if needed.
The beauty of the app to me isn't in using it if I myself are injured etc. although it does have great scope for self assistance depending on your own dilemma. The beauty to me is in that if you arrive at the scene of an incident/emergency you can initiate a response & provide accurate location information to the emergency services to minimise delays. This to me is particularly handy if travelling or in areas you may not be 100% familiar with.
Well worth having on your phone even if you never use it.
These guys have expanded on the theme too.


I had the idea in 2009 for about 20 % of what Citadel has under development but i didnt have the resources to do it , if i wasnt such an idiot i should have applied for a govt R & D grant , employed IT consultants and put it out to market , I could have been worth 100 million by now . :brokenh:
Learnt of an interesting item on most iPhones tonight, if you press the home button ( on/ off on top or side of phone) 5 times quickly you will be given an emergency home screen which has a slide to activate motion. This will then send a message to all emergency services.
This will remain silent, so it can be used in a siege, robbery, rape situation where you do not wish to make the offender aware.

I came across this app yesterday. Its worth downloading incase you ever have to call 000 when you out in the bush or travelling in an unfamiliar area. When 000 is call using this app it allows you to give the operator your exact gps location. Obviously it will only work when you have reception.
I heard about this app today. It says it uses what3words to pinpoint your location and what3words works offline. I guess that means that this app will pinpoint your location anywhere?