Emergency + Plus App

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Apr 16, 2013
Reaction score
Sydney, NSW
There may be some improvements coming in the way smart phones can be used to connect to emergency services

There is an app you can download so if you need to call emergency services but dont know where you are , the phone will give you GPS coordinates to pass to the triple zero operator
Good one. Thanks for posting. I'm this sort of idiot who knows how to get in places but never remember names of the streets leading there.
A great app to have on your phone while out and about.

"The Emergency+ app is a free app developed by Australia's emergency services and their Government and industry partners.

The app uses GPS functionality built into smart phones to help a Triple Zero (000) caller provide critical location details required to mobilize emergency services."

Ramjet said:
A great app to have on your phone while out and about.

"The Emergency+ app is a free app developed by Australia's emergency services and their Government and industry partners.

The app uses GPS functionality built into smart phones to help a Triple Zero (000) caller provide critical location details required to mobilize emergency services."


Thanks Ramjet, now installed on the iPhone and iPad.
Thanks Rod. I have it and a First Aid app on my phone home screen, and hope I don't have to use them. Plus I also have the VicEmergency app, that alerts regarding fires and the like in your "watch zones". It is Vic only, though there may be similar for other states.

Rob P
got that I also have ICE in my phone an Aussie Ambo came up with the Idea now its world wide, Sorry put your emergency contact in under ICE (in case of emergency) .PP
Jaros said:
I have ICE as well. There was a story recently where an over zealous policeman spotted ICE in a culprits phone and headed off in the wrong direction with his investigation. :eek:
Like when on a trip to Hillend years ago, at a random breath test plod spotted a set of scales on my front seat which gave him reasonable cause to almost dismantle my ute :N:
Like when I was heading to martial arts training one night and I had my swords (5) in the back seat of my car and a cop pulled me for a breatho looked in the backseat and said what are they I sort of looked at him with a bewildered look on my face and said swords ,What you doing with them he asked opening the back door and grabbing my LIVE sword I said dont touch that its razor sharp and I dont want you to hurt yourself. he smiled pulled the sword out and touched the blade so the cut needed about 4 stitches and his mate laughing his head off at him ,he looked at me and said ok guess you can go so I did with a smile a mile wide .PP
Same sort of thing happened to me when I was driving a Silver cab in Heidelberg one night-part time-and the boys in blue picked me out of a group of cars and stripped it looking for drugs. The seats and carpets were all over the footpath and I had to put it all back together again. A lot of time lost on that night shift. :N: