Dreaming about crocodile teeth..

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May 22, 2014
Reaction score
Katazone, VIC
So its been an anxious week as I had been expecting some crock teeth in the mail from yobskin. You know how it is..good ol australia post.. he was keeping track of the parcel online as it slowly crept south across the country. I kept wondering to myself what the teeth looked like, and there was even now a mention of a jaw 2 days along postage, wow I thought! That's awesome, but hope she gets past the sniffer dogs 8)

It had been stalled at one of the northern sorting depots, but again on the move to sydney onwards to melb. The suspence yobskin had been building about these croc teeth had kept me staring out the window for the next 3 days looking for the postie van haha Bloody tracking website decided to go awol for a day in between as well so we both had no clue for a while, but it had made it to melb once the website was online again.

It came to this morning, he kept asking, 9.30am.. 'is it there yet?' 'not yet', 10.30am.. 'any sign?'..'nope'.. 1pm 'is your post usually this late?' ..'nope.. sigh'.. Well, I figured by now it will arrive tomorrow morning, went and jumped in the shower to go for a drive, but as I was half moon starkers I spotted the white van hover past the window.. 'Ohhh its here it's here its here', as I was half a skinned avacodo and just got in shower, the mrs ducked out and returns with the parcel, 'woohoo!' echoed through the bathroom as I hurrily swept to. I said 'its those croc teeth I've been waiting for from yobskin, think its a whole jaw so watch out' ( as I quickly dry off ) .. 'its green', she yells.. I'm thinking to myself.. hmm mabey its a bit mouldy, that's alright the gernie or boil will fix that, I get into the lounge to see these cool green teeth ol yobs sent down..

And bugger me.. what a suprise I got :eek:


Thank you very much again yobskin, your a top bloke and I wasn't expecting this at all. I thought mabey for a gag or laugh he was possibly sending me a bottle of preserved fart, but I never expected it to be one of the vortex Dream mats, I raise my tophat to you my dear Sir. :D

Ill also just add quickly, thanks David and Dustin for bringing these wonderful mats our direction. Thank you Dream Mat, Gold Rat Highbankers and yobskin, you've all made one very happy AtomRat :)
Next package might be petrified croc poo... or dehydrated terrier nuggets?? They look similar....roflmfao....trickle down the leg...
Atomrat that was me paying forward....with spring in your step and new found wind in your sails.....the universe will do the rest... enjoy good buddy. Thanx Goldrat highbankers for your help.....
yobskin said:
Next package might be petrified croc poo... or dehydrated terrier nuggets?? They look similar....roflmfao....trickle down the leg...
Atomrat that was me paying forward....with spring in your step and new found wind in your sails.....the universe will do the rest... enjoy good buddy. Thanx Goldrat highbankers for your help.....
I think AR would haved loved some croc teeth too :)
Hahaha. Nice one Yobs :D

I know the feeling of waiting for a parcel. Myself and Mrs RJ buy a few things online and the regular parcel delivery guy is here so often he is almost family. So a happy fella with white hair and a few whiskers on his chin who brings us parcels.... we have dubbed him Santa. :D
Bought Nugget's Sadie coil and it was lobbed in the mail on the 5th of this month.
Got to Sydney and did the rounds in a mail sorting center.
Now arriving today.
Oh Well, Kept me amused for a day or two. :) :)
Tathradj said:
Bought Nugget's Sadie coil and it was lobbed in the mail on the 5th of this month.
Got to Sydney and did the rounds in a mail sorting center.
Now arriving today.
Oh Well, Kept me amused for a day or two. :) :)
had a feeling it was you that beat me to nuggets Sadie coil, oh well i hope to see it bring some gold out of our little spot soon mate :cool: