Characteristics of a good prospecting mate

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Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
Goulburn, NSW
Over at his Bedrock Dreams blog, Jim Rocher has recently had an interesting series up about knowing who you are dealing with. Parts one and two are well worth looking at, in particular about being careful who you share information with.

But part three has some interesting discussion about the characteristics of your prospecting mates, or Pard's in the American lingo.

An extract:

What do I look for in a pard? Here are a few things:

Honesty and integrity (without these in a pard you're just asking for trouble and rest assured trouble will rear its ugly head somewhere along the way).

Sense of humor (mining is a grind and being able to joke and laugh lightens that load. Sometimes you just need to laugh about how bad the gold take is!).

Willingness and ability to work hard (lazy asses need not apply in my camp. I don't need any bird watchers, nature hikers, or deep thinkers sitting on a boulder meditating. I need help and that involves someone who works their tail off).

Doesn't whine or complain much, if at all (there's nothing worse to listening to a whiner or complainer all's like dealing with a small child and when I'm out there I don't need or want that sort of crapola).

Knows his or her chit (a pard must have a modicum of mining and prospecting experience and equipment knowledge. I'm not big on starting from ground zero when I'm doing serious mining, nor should you be. However, if I run across a greenhorn who shows the right aptitude and can hump it, I'll give that person a chance).

Isn't a heavy drinker or uses drugs of any sort (as a reformed addict/alcoholic myself with over 21 years of being clean, I know the score with these poisons. I don't mind someone having a few beers or a shot or two around me, but I won't tolerate drunks in camp. Drugs? I have zero tolerance for drug users and that includes smoking mota. I like having sharp people around me, not the "Hey dude, let's fire one up" types whose brains always run in low gear).

Loves gold mining no matter what (these are the true color-in-their-veins types of individuals who love every aspect of small-scale mining and exude that love, no matter how frustrating things get).

Shares the load equally (helps around camp, pays for his or her share of the travel and operating costs, and just generally mans or womans up).

He sums up "Like they say, "Character counts." In small-scale gold mining, that trite little phrase becomes paramount."

Your mileage might vary, for example I like a drink, but don't play up, and I don't use recreational drugs, but am relaxed about others use, as long as it is discreet and does not get out of hand. But, overall, not a bad list to start with.
limpalot said:
Strong back, big esky full of beer, 4 x 4 and camper, shovel;

That reminded me of this old joke sign, limpalot:

Good one Doc,

For me good likeminded buddies are for around the fire at camp after a day prospecting. Then you enjoy a chin wag a feed and a few beers.
During the day I like to go it alone with the wife and her dog nugget.

GT :)
Have to agree DD & BKN re your prospecting partners, however I've not met many in the field that don't have those same characteristics.
I've seen quite a few newbys to this site whose first posts are along the lines of: " I'm leaving now to XXX tomorrow, and need your recommendations on where to look asap".
Excuse me, but I must add manners to your first post DrDuck. I welcome many onto PA with the right attitude, but those demanding and with an arrogance greater than mine, I leave for other kind souls to welcome.
They're often advised to undertake their own research and take professional starter lessons, but clearly crack it as they are never heard from again.
It's a great camaraderie that's been built up on PA from returning members, and I reckon that >95% who remain active members meet Jim Rocher's mates qualifications.
Reading this post, I have to agree with most.

Gold can also be found in the company your with not just in the ground you dig!

Even if they only recently got the fever, we all learnt to walk before we learned to run.
People asking? Depends on what they are asking. Method, tools, general area or that spot you really don't want to be turned upside down that took hours of research to find !

As one member said only a small few will remain good friends others its great to catch up with even if its the once a year on a hunt.
Wally69 said:
After a couple of pre-birthday drinks Wally says :

the power of a common interest overcomes any prejudice

and..........I love youse all
Happy birthday Wally, may there be many more :lol: