can anyone identify these

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Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Cairns, QLD
Hi all, I am trying to id the pinkish material. Oddly it is picked up by a rare earth magnet.. they are translucent and quite small. Around 30 - 50 mesh.. pinkish - buff hue under natural light.
I think they are a type of garnet. Found in South Palmer region.
Sorry for poor image quality.

Cheers Tone
Could be garnets tone, pink spinel is also weakly attracted to rare earths as it contains a few iron ions as are any gems with a metal ion in their structure. A weak colour indicates few ions while stronger more vibrant colours contain a higher ion concentration.
Thanks TGW, here is a clearer pic.

These are the really small ones, they are up to 1-2mm in size, the black/grey material is not magnetic, just the pink/reddish stuff..

Ha, I didn't know that, cool read Paul. Sound like Garnets for sure Tone, they look quite nice too, pity no bigger ones yet. Look like maybe some Zircons there too?
No worries Tone, they sure are a nice colour up close. I wonder if theyve been washed down from somewhere up in the daintree??
Dont know the origin, I have heaps of them, most this size some a bit larger, I will check for any pickers now I know what I am looking at, who knows, may even find a cuttable stone in the mix..

Cheers, Tone