Bundaberg Original Rum

Prospecting Australia

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Apr 5, 2016
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YUM...If your a Bundy drinker...And you haven't tried this yet... do yourself a favor and get a bottle before it's gone...Warning though it's not cheap but the flavor is delish. And at 75.9% I do not recommend drinking the whole bottle in one night as you wont feel real good the next few day. :Y: :D :party: :rainbow:
Hope so, it's been hanging around for long enough!! Got a second bottle which was in a Brandy barrel which I'm thinking of cracking when we finally hit the road permanently... Ok semi-permanently, should be a good night around the camp fire!!

Bought the two in the UK in 1990, were 25 quid each, and just looked something special to look forward to.
Reminds me of the infamous Tuena incident when I got into
The inner circle green dot after a few beers and a bottle of red. Problem was it is hard to know how much you are pouring in the dark. I reckon the last few were more rum than soda, and as the green dot is 57%, it has an effect!
Used to love my Bundy and Coke until one night, my mate had to drag me out of a night club because I was trying to pick fights with groups of young fellas (I was in my 40's at the time, they were in their late teens or early 20's). Haven't touched a drop since but I sure do love those Bundy ads on TV.
Brings back memories. The first time I tried it was when Me and a pal polished off a bottle of bundy between sitting outside some joint near the Hunter valley in NSW a few decades ago. I was on holidays and enjoyed the drop but I haven't tried it again since.
Ah, Bundy Rum - cures coughs, colds, sore holes, brewers droop and tapeworm - the elixer of life.

I always carry a bottle in my survival kit, along with a bottle of Stones Green Ginger wine - you just never know when the weather will turn nasty and you need a good healthy slurp (bigger than a sip, but not quite a guzzle) of anti freeze.

Hey Dr Duck,
Not Bundy but did originate in Queensland, Inner Circle's Red Dot heavy brew, its been sleeping quietly in the back of the grog cabinet for decades. Red Dot has been out of production for decades as far as I'm aware, just waiting for a special occasion to uncap it; perhaps when a significant gold find happens.
Happy drinking, SinHof.
75.9% alcohol :eek: man you need a fire extinguisher in the cabinet with it :) and put a bungy strap over your hat coz it's gunna get blown right off :lol:
SinHof said:
Hey Dr Duck,
Not Bundy but did originate in Queensland, Inner Circle's Red Dot heavy brew, its been sleeping quietly in the back of the grog cabinet for decades. Red Dot has been out of production for decades as far as I'm aware, just waiting for a special occasion to uncap it; perhaps when a significant gold find happens.
Happy drinking, SinHof.https://www.prospectingaustralia.com/forum/img/member-images/972/1531130185_20180709_194305.jpg

Me thinks that bottle of inner circle is worth a quid or two......

Cheers Nanjim