Big reason why we cannot fossick in Kiandra or any National Park.

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Feb 17, 2014
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Take it how you see it folk's
Bloody Park is worth too much in dollars. Packer and Associates just sold Perisher to a resort syndicate in America.
The amount of money generated from this and into the future means that any movement to fossick and prospect in any national park will be funded and blocked by the biggest revenue raising bunch of Rabid well paid Greenies in Australia.
Give you an example.
They want to convert a huge tract of land, two State Parks, Mumbulla and Tanja down here in Bega from State Forrest to National Park.
Funds will be diverted from the resort area's to a Greenie movement to cover the transition. Then after all the slinging and crap even though the locals have voted 75% against it,
It will go ahead..
There are gold fields in there much like Dr George that was quietly turned over about 15 years ago.
I had to go to Perisher to do a job and I was gobsmacked on how much money has gone into just the Toll Booth's to service the area. Then found out that I was not to drive 200 Meters up a hill as it would crush the spagnum moss that grows in the area on a well defined track. Did not matter that the equipment I had weighed about 100 Kilo's, 2 people had to come, start up and operate a triple chair lift to get me where I wanted to go then I had to carry the gear by my self another 100 meters.
I personally know how much it cost to build the Yogie Hut in Jindabyne using stone quarried from the park and don't mention all the copper inlay that adorns it. Not to mention the 1000 feet x 4 bore holes and infrastructure to "Heat It" with gas being the primary source.
All built in 1995.
Where did the funds come from to do that ?.
That is why it is called, Kosciusko National Parks PTY LTD.
If you want to be bored, Have a read of this below.
Kosciuszko National Park leases

Kosciuszko National Park has been alienated from the Crown by Act of Parliament and subsequent notification in the government gazette. The ski resorts located within Kosciuszko National Park are comprised of many private hotels, ski-lodges, shops and other facilities. Each of these buildings are leased or sub-leased from NPWS to individual lessees. The leases may be either of premises (eg shop no.7 Perisher Centre) or land (Matterhorn Ski-lodge). Major facilities ie pump-houses, chairlift terminals, fire stations and the Ski-tube station and tunnels are also leased from the Minister to the resort management company.

Note The original practice of lodging these leases in the General Register of Deeds no longer applies.

A lot has been created for the entirety of the resort. The title for this lot stands in the name of the Minister for Environment and Climate Change together with a notification in the second schedule referring to the head-lease to Kosciuzsko-Thredbo Pty Ltd. The site of every existing lease of land within the resort has been redefined in new plans of survey subdividing the head-lease lot. The titles for these lots are issued in the name of the Minister for Environment and Climate Change and bear notifications relating to the head-lease and the sub-lease of the individual ski-lodge etc. These titles may then be mortgaged or sub-leased in the usual manner. A residue lot is created for the remainder of head-lease lot. Any new lease of land will require the preparation of a plan of survey subdividing the head-lease lot into the new site and residue. Any new plan will be prepared in the usual manner.
Perisher Valley / Smiggin Holes / Guthega

A program has been undertaken whereby a lot has been created for each existing lease of land within the resorts and fee simple titles issued. These titles may then be mortgaged or sub-leased in the usual manner. It is intended that a new lot will be created for the remainder of the resort in a similar manner to the Perisher lot. Any new lease of land will require the preparation of a plan of survey subdividing this lot into new lots for the lease site and residue. Any new plan will be prepared in the usual manner.
Subdivision Certificate

The Minister for Planning is the subdivision consent authority for all new plans within Kosciusko National Park. Consequently any new subdivision plan should bear a subdivision certificate signed by an authorised officer of the Department of Planning.

Any plan of subdivision within Kosciusko National Park must be signed by a delegate of the Minister for Environment and Climate Change together with all other affected parties lessees, mortgagees etc.

A plan which intends to redefine the boundaries of a lease site for which a title has been created may include slivers of adjoining Crown Title provided that the heading of the plan refers to "Plan of Redefinition of ....(Torrens title reference). A letter from the Crown or Authority must be furnished confirming that the purpose of the plan is a redefinition of the lease site.

Similarity, titles will not need to be created for slivers of the existing Torrens title not included in the redefined parcel.
all this must be done within the constraints of the govt guidelines ( yeh, mostly jargon I agree).

but the key is they "must consult stake holders", which includes us.

Our representative in this region would be NAPFA.

I hope we have a voice ;)
NPWS Kosciusko PTY LTD was formed in about 1990.
They formed a majority party and split then from general consensus.
There are two parties,
NPWS North,
NPWS South.
sounds pretty typical for the current political environment... sell off the peoples assets.. hide behind weasel words.. make a killing on "future" employment and consulting... sell off our assets to private concerns (sadly often OS)

it makes me very cranky this behavior!!!
if you go back to biblical times the nile was much greener and had much more water... that's 2000 years of climate change and transition from wet to dry... we know climate swings have occurred in the past. there is no doubt pollution is making a mess of things... but i believe global warming is a convenient tag politicians / news editors put on things to sell papers...
DEFIANTLY the globe is warming... and it will be followed by more change... are there patterns or cycles here that's happening at a level we haven't got data for... apologies for the off thread response

PS... a national park should be off-limits to ALL development and degradation i believe, a gift for our children and we should not be allowed to sell something that doesnt belong to us anyway...
You are spot on,it is a big con,money for the UN

Here is the prove,they admit it.

I remember back in the sixties,when I used to go sking,we could never start till the second week in July,that is when we knew that we would have snow.
The last season season it started in late June,well if the globe is getting warmer the season should be starting later.
Down here in Vic,we have just had the coolest summer I can remember,and I am not the only person that have commented on this.
If you tell a lie big enough long enough,people will believe it.

Read Ian Plimers books he lays the facts out.

Regards Frank
Climate is always changing..into ice age...out of ice age...all without human interference.
It just so happens we are still coming out of the ice age yes..the world is warming at the moment...and it will cool again.
Humans are temporary species on this planet and the earth will continue to warm and cool long after we are gone.
The greenies may thing they can change it....but nothing will stop nature.
One volcano going nuts will over ride all emission reduction polices worldwide for at least a year.

Get over it greenies...the world does what it wants...we are temporary
Greenland was not named Greenland for nothing, had thriving medieval settlements until the Little Ice Age froze it over. The Medieval Warm Period went from about 950 to about 1250 before the The Little Ice Age kicked in from about 1300 to about the 1800's so yes we are still coming out of a small Ice Age.

Climate change was concocted to keep us terrified and controlled and be accepting of any plan to combat it.......... It's been 15 years since they started this nonsense, sea levels should have already risen quite substantially but have not really.

I think pollution is a much greater issue and they don't seem to care about that, plastics are one of the greater issues and are infesting every part of the planet, if the powers were serious they would ban the stuff tomorrow, plastic won't get you quivering in your boots though. There are 1000's of kilometres of ocean floor covered in the stuff but no-one in power cares because it is something we can stop and not a terrifying boogeyman we can't see.
Oh yeah if they were serious about the Snowy Mountains and it's ecosystem they would ban every one of those ski resorts down there, the amount of rubbish left there each season is rediculous, imagine being let loose under the chairlifts with a metal detector after the snow melts, would be awesome. Just like Packers new casino, do we really need another one??? Hope he loses all his money like Nathan Tinkler did, lol.
Actually the sale was for Perisher not Thredbo.

And if you are a snowboarder/skier it's awesome for people who travel. Your season pass will work in the US now :D
DropBear said:
Actually the sale was for Perisher not Thredbo.

And if you are a snowboarder/skier it's awesome for people who travel. Your season pass will work in the US now :D
LOL, I seen that after the time to edit my post expired. :rolleyes:
Maybe a Mod can fix that for me.
Tathradj said:
DropBear said:
Actually the sale was for Perisher not Thredbo.

And if you are a snowboarder/skier it's awesome for people who travel. Your season pass will work in the US now :D
LOL, I seen that after the time to edit my post expired. :rolleyes:
Maybe a Mod can fix that for me.
Done mate
:p Jaros
Thanks Jaros. :) :)
We may be coming up to the Gold Coast for a holiday soon so I will make a point of having a Cuppa with you.