Big Oakey access

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Nov 4, 2015
Reaction score
try contacting me before just helping your selves I don't bite but will be pissed if I come across you and I'm always watching forget the camo gear guys my dogs will sniff you out. entry fee applies will supply local knowledge an can guide you yes there is crown land here but I surround most of it, big Oakey creek is on private property n has no legal public access , little Oakey also has no public access you must cross my property to get to it just ring me

Admin edit: personal contact details removed as per forum rules. I realize you are trying to help members of this forum and I'll talk with admin about your contact details.
G'day mate.
Thanks for giving us all an opportunity instead of locking every one out.
I am interested in getting up that way soon, will get in touch :)
Gday BigOakey is this your property ?

Sounds fair to me Hey Stewart I'm at Capertee not to far from you ,am very interested in day access and some local knowledge , would happily pay a fee for the privilege cheers buddy
Will be in touch soon
AtomRat said:
Gday mate, most here would attempt access permission with an owner, thanks for the heads up. You may be interested in this page:

Prospectors wouldnt bother with camo though I doubt mate, that sounds like hunters


I couldnt see the owner saying that if it wasnt true n i often wear camo myself when out n about as i sometimes hunt for food n gold all in the same trip and to say ppl on this forum would seek permission b4 going onto someones property is just a joke im not one to tresspass either but that post was just plain stupid

Thanks, no really, thanks. I seek permission when its private property and if i dont find it i dont go, I don't see where the deal is. If it is private property or I'm unsure, I certainly ain't gonna be wearing camo and hunting on some owners property at all, wheres the joke there. I was only asking. W.t.f. I must be too stupid to know.. *shrug*

Good luck with your problems Oakley owner, was just trying to support

If your saying the majority don't ask for permission, then there's the joke.
AtomRat said:
AtomRat said:
Gday mate, most here would attempt access permission with an owner, thanks for the heads up. You may be interested in this page:

Prospectors wouldnt bother with camo though I doubt mate, that sounds like hunters


I couldnt see the owner saying that if it wasnt true n i often wear camo myself when out n about as i sometimes hunt for food n gold all in the same trip and to say ppl on this forum would seek permission b4 going onto someones property is just a joke im not one to tresspass either but that post was just plain stupid

Thanks, no really, thanks. I seek permission when its private property and if i dont find it i dont go, I don't see where the deal is. If it is private property or I'm unsure, I certainly ain't gonna be wearing camo and hunting on some owners property at all, wheres the joke there. I was only asking. W.t.f. I must be too stupid to know.. *shrug*

Good luck with your problems Oakley owner, was just trying to support

If your saying the majority don't ask for permission, then there's the joke.

Yeah just coz you seek permission dont mean everyone else does n yeah i hunt n fossick together so what?? Did i say i did it on ppls property i have tresspassed no!!you made a statement that ppl wearing camo are hunters n not prospectors n that was the stupid part or are you an authority on prospecting fashion and finally where in your post did it show you were supporting the property owner??? To me your post look like a defence or an excuse for others actions(SHRUG)!!!
Your arguing with yourself here mate. If members here are going on this blokes property ( or anywhere private ) without access permission, then put A and B together. Everyone knows the rules and its written in every prospecting book. Simple as that. I'm not defending no one, I'm no where near the place. If I had people on my property without permission in camo and weapons I'd shoot at them.

Have you thought of making some small signs along your borders with your contact information for those who want to enter if its a constant issue Big Oakey Owner. The local milkbar or info centre should supply the same info for tourists -( just suggestions)
Just to answer the demand as well

I supported the owner by his first post by reading what he is asking politely in a very reasonable manner and I wish all property owners were like this.

I was the first to 'Like' his post finding it very informative.

I then supplied him with discussion about this topic for his interest of what's been said about his property.

In no way am I supporting tresspass anywhere and had given support from comment one making calm discussion. Guess that one didn't work.
Big Oakey owner,
We are currently working on a few ideas to put you out there without causing any conflict.
Very good of you to let us know how you can be contacted but we have rules on personal contact
information being broad cast.
I must impress upon you Sir that it is a very good thing what you are doing and I am sure you will find that you
will get to meet a lot of our members face to face who are trying to do the right thing. :) :)
And will do the right thing by you. :cool:
Kindly bear with us Sir as we will have a solution shortly. :)
wow why the attack on Atomrat?
Big Oakey owner you will find the majority of us "real prospectors" the ones who have been here and will continue to be here after the gold price bottoms out will do the right thing.

I think that's what Atomrat was getting at, no need to take stabs at him, its good to hear you are opening up your property on a request basis once we work out where/how to put your details up for other members good luck.